Δρόμοι του λαδιού στο Αιγαίο κατά τη Μυκηναϊκή εποχή (14ος-12ος αιώνας π.Χ.):
Παραγωγή και διακίνηση των μεταφορικών ψευδόστομων αμφορέων
Βασίλης Πετράκης
AA | α/α εισαγωγής | Όνομα Θέσης Εύρεσης | Άλλες ή Εναλλακτικές Ονομασίες (βιβλιογραφικά τεκμηριωμένες) | Όνομα Θέσης (Ύστερη Εποχή Χαλκού) | Περιοχή (πολιτισμικά και γεωγραφικά οριζόμενη) | Συγκεκριμενοποίηση της Περιοχής | Σημερινό κράτος όπου βρίσκεται η θέση | ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΨΕΥΔΟΣΤΟΜΟΙ ΑΜΦΟΡΕΙΣ_α/α εισαγωγής | Ονομασία Ενεπίγραφου Αγγείου | Έχει αναλυθεί | Γεωγραφικός Συσχετισμός | Βέβαιη ή πιθανή απόδοση | Σχόλια σχετικά με την προέλευση | Αριθμός Καταλόγου εκτός Haskell et al 2011 | Αριθμός Καταλόγου Haskell et al 2011 | Ονομασία Θέσης Εύρεσης | Περιγραφή Χώρου Εύρεσης | Τύπος Αρχαιολογικού Περιβάλλοντος | Κεραμική Φάση | Ανοιχτή-επί-Σκοτεινού διακόσμηση (ΝΑΙ/ ΟΧΙ) | Τύπος Αντικειμένου | Ευρύτερη Τυπολογική Ομάδα Haskell | Τυπολογική Ομάδα Haskell | Τυπολογικά χαρακτηριστικά | Προέλευση (βάσει χημικών αναλύσεων) | α/β | Τύπος κεραμικού υλικού (πετρογραφική επισκόπηση) | Μεταγραφή Επιγραφής σε Γραμμική Β | Παρατηρήσεις επιγραφής | ID Θέσης Εύρεσης | Βιβλιογραφικές Αναφορές |
1 | 11 | Eleusis | Elefsina/ Ελευσίς/ Ελευσίνα | Greek Mainland | West Attica | Greece | 1 | EL Z 1 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X); West-Central Crete has been suggested because of the association of the place-name da-*22-to (inscribed on the jar) that can be identified on the Knossos tablets; petrographic analysis necessary | EL01 | Eleusis | LH floor found under Lesser Propylaea (E SU 12) | settlement | LM IIIB | ISJ | A | Group X | .1 da-*22-to; .2 da-pu2-ra-zo , wa , | Arrangement in two 'lines' on shoulder of the vase | 11 | Sacconi 1974: 113, pl.21; Petrakis 2014 | |||||||
2 | 3 | Armenoi | Armeni/ Αρμένοι | Crete | Central-West | Greece | 2 | ARM Z 1 | YES | Crete (Armenoi region?) | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | AR01 | Armenoi | Chamber tomb 146 | funerary | LM IIIB | ISJ | ΧΙ? | Group X | wi-na-jo | On shoulder (cf. same personal name at KN Z 1716 from Knossos and MI Z 4 from Midea) | 3 | Andreadaki-Vlazaki 1988 | |||||||
3 | 12 | Gla | Glas/ Γλας/ Γλα | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 3 | GLA Z 1 | YES | West Crete | Certain | GLA02 | Gla | South enclosure, Building H, Room H4 | administrative? | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ doubtful | A | ΙΙ? | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | ]wa | On belly; Reading highly uncertain (]du would be just as likely). Debatable whether this is a true ISJ (doubted by Sacconi 2012: 124) | 12 | Iakovidis 1989; Iakovidis 1998: 51-52, fig.38, pl.35β | ||||
4 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 4 | KH Z 1 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Although chemically ambiguous (Group X), petrography suggests West Crete | KH01 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | Group X | TSJ 21 | ka-ru-ka[ | On shoulder; -ru- and -ka[ are not absolutely certain readings, although most probable | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415, pl.270 | ||||||
5 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 5 | KH Z 2 | YES | Central/ West Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), but macroscopic fabric examination suggests Central Crete | KH02 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Trench B | settlement | LM IIIB1 | ISJ | Group X | ]ma-i-jo | On shoulder; ma- is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415, pl.270 | |||||||
6 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 6 | KH Z 3 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH03 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]ma-di-jo[ | On disk; -jo[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415, pl.270 | |||||||
7 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 7 | KH Z 4 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH04 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]pu-ti[ | On shoulder | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415, pl.271 | |||||||
8 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 8 | KH Z 5 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH05 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Trench B (level 9) | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | ]de-so[ | On shoulder; -so[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415, pl.271 | ||||||
9 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 9 | KH Z 6 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH06 | Khania | Kastelli hill (Vlamakis plot), Room A (level 6) | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]ka[ | On shoulder | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415, pl.271 | |||||||
10 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 10 | KH Z 7 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH07 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | TSJ 14s | ]to | On shoulder | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415, pl.271 | ||||||
11 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 11 | KH Z 8 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH08 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Aii (Lakkos) | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]zo-pa[ | On shoulder; Neither sign is absolutely certain | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415, pl.271 | |||||||
12 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 12 | KH Z 9 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH09 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | ]u-[ | On shoulder; Sacconi (2012: 127) suggests a reconstruction ]u-[pa-ta | 4 | Hallager 2011: 415-416, pl.271; Sacconi 2012: 127 | ||||||
13 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 13 | KH Z 10 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH10 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Trench 2 ("cleaning of Eastern wall") | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ2? | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]pu-ti[ | On belly | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.272 | |||||||
14 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 14 | KH Z 11 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH11 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Trench A, Level 6 | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | TSJ 1 | e[ | On shoulder; e[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.272 | ||||||
15 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 15 | KH Z 12 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH12 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Ai-iii, Level 4 | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | ]ta | Probably on shoulder; ta is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.272 | ||||||
16 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 16 | KH Z 13 | YES | Central/ West Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | KH13 | Khania | Kastelli hill (Vlamakis plot), Aii, Level 3 | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | Group X | ]pa[ | On disk; pa[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.272 | |||||||
17 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 17 | KH Z 14 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH14 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]ka[ | Probably on shoulder; ka[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.272 | |||||||
18 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 18 | KH Z 15 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH15 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Trench A, Level 5 | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]*56[ | On shoulder; *56[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.272 | |||||||
19 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 19 | KH Z 16 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH16 | Khania | Kastelli hill, area between Buildings 1 and 2, Upper deposit | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | YES | ISJ | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | wa | On disk; wa has been incised before firing | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.272 | |||||
20 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 20 | KH Z 17 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH17 | Khania | Kastelli hill, area between Buildings 1 and 2, 12-Pit E | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]ka-ka-[ | On shoulder | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.273 | |||||||
21 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 21 | KH Z 18 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH18 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, central dump, middle layer | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ2 | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]pu-ti | On shoulder | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416, pl.273 | |||||||
22 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 22 | KH Z 19 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH19 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 1, Room C, floor deposit | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | TSJ 1 | ]-na-ta-[ | On shoulder | 4 | Hallager 2011: 416-417, pl.273 | ||||||
23 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 23 | KH Z 20 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH20 | Khania | Kastelli hill (perhaps associated with Rubbish Area North) | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ2 | ISJ | West Crete | β | TSJ 1 | ]no[ | On belly | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417, pl.273 | ||||||
24 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 24 | KH Z 21 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH21 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Trench 2 (perhaps associated with Rubbish Area North) | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | TSJ 1 | ]wa[ | On shoulder or belly; wa[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417, pl.273 | ||||||
25 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 25 | KH Z 22 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH22 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 1, Room C, floor deposit | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | u-so | On shoulder; -so is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417, pl.273 | ||||||
26 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 26 | KH Z 26 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH26 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Southeast area, 20-Pit B | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ2 | YES | ISJ | Fabric resembles Typegroup II (macroscopic examination) | West Crete | α | ]pu[ | On belly | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417, pl.274 | |||||
27 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 27 | KH Z 27 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH27 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Courtyard (phase 3), South Below floors, 20-Pit F | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]no[ | Probably on shoulder | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417, pl.274 | |||||||
28 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 28 | KH Z 28 | YES | Central/ West Crete | Certain | KH28 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area Southeast, 20-Pit J | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete (less confident) | β | TSJ 14 | ]ka[ | On shoulder or belly; ka[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417-418, pl.274 | ||||||
29 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 29 | KH Z 29 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH29 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Aii, Above floor (level 5) | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | YES | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]ru[ | On shoulder or belly; ru[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418, pl.274 | ||||||
30 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 30 | KH Z 30 | YES | Central/ West Crete | Certain | KH30 | Khania | Kastelli hill, from unstratified area in the 1965 trench on the Agia Aikaterini Square | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1? | ISJ | Group X | Fabric too fine for reliable comparisons | ]o[ or ] du[ | On belly; Neither reading is absolutely certain | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418, pl.274 | |||||||
31 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 31 | KH Z 31 | YES | Central/ West Crete | Certain | KH31 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Room A, from unstratified 1964 context | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1? | ISJ | Group X | TSJ 15 | ]wa[ | On belly; wa is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418, pl.274 | |||||||
32 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 32 | KH Z 32 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH32 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Room A, floor deposit, upper floor | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ2 | ISJ | West Crete | β | TSJ 20 | ]no[ | On belly | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418, pl.274 | ||||||
33 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 33 | KH Z 33 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH33 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Room A, in floor | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ1 | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]vestigia[ | On shoulder; Certain sign identification impossible | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418, pl.275 | |||||||
34 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 34 | KH Z 34 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH34 | Khania | Kastelli hill, found in Geometric context (pit in former Courtyard F) | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]vestigia[ | On shoulder; Certain sign identification impossible | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418, pl.275 | |||||||
35 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 35 | KH Z 35 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH35 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Room A, floor deposit, upper floor | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ2 | YES | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]vestigia[ | On shoulder or belly; Certain sign identification impossible | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418, pl.275 | ||||||
36 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 36 | KH Z 36 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH36 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Southeast area, 20-Pit B | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ2 | YES | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]-ko-[ | On belly | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418, pl.275 | ||||||
37 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 37 | KH Z 37 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH37 | Khania | Kastelli hill, unstratified | settlement | LM IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]ka[ | On shoulder; ka[ is not absolutely certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 418-419, pl.275 | |||||||
38 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 38 | KH Z 38 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH38 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, central dump, upper layer | settlement | LM ΙΙΙΒ2 | ISJ | West Crete | β | TSJ 3 | ]vestigia[ | On belly; Certain sign identification impossible | 4 | Hallager 2011: 419, pl.275 | ||||||
39 | 29 | Akanthou: Moulos | Ακανθού | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 41 | YES | Crete | Probable | Its assignment is uncertain, but ISJs with certain provenance are consistently shown to be Cretan | AKM01 | Akanthou: Moulos | Surface finds; Aegean and Levantine finds suggest trade activity | settlement? | LM IIIB? | TSJ | 0 | Uncertain | 29 | Catling & Karageorghis 1960: 129 [no.29] | ||||||||||
40 | 29 | Akanthou: Moulos | Ακανθού | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 42 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint; since no TSJs of certain Mainland origin are known from Cyprus, a Central Cretan provenance is more likely (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | AKM02 | Akanthou: Moulos | Surface finds; Aegean and Levantine finds suggest trade activity | settlement? | LM IIIB? | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | Three paralleled post-firing incised lines on handle | 29 | Catling & Karageorghis 1960: 120-121, no.30 | ||||||||||
41 | 29 | Akanthou: Moulos | Ακανθού | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 43 | YES | Uncertain | AKM03 | Akanthou: Moulos | Surface finds; Aegean and Levantine finds suggest trade activity | settlement? | LM IIIB? | TSJ | Uncertain | Cypro-Minoan potmarks on each handle | 29 | Catling & Karageorghis 1960: 121, no.31 | ||||||||||||
42 | 1 | Amnisos | Amnissos/ Amnisus/ Amniso/ Αμνισός | Amnisos (Linear B spelling a-mi-ni-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 44 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | AM01 | Amnisos | Cult building? | religious? (association with snake-tube) | LM IIIB | ISJ? | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | e-to | Reading uncertain; resemblance to Linear B signs possibly accidental? | 1 | Alexiou 1968: 402-403; Schäfer 1992: xxx | ||||||||
43 | 2 | Angeliana | Αγγελιανά | Crete | Central-West | Greece | 45 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemistry suggests West Cretan provenance, although deep wavy line decoration is associated usually with Central Crete (but see KH65 in Haskell et al 2011) | ANG01 | Angeliana | chamber tomb | funerary | LM IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | West Crete | 2 | Andreadaki-Vlazaki 1983 | |||||||||
44 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 46 | KH Z 39 | NO | Crete | Probable | ISJs with certain provenance are consistently shown to be Cretan | Khania | Kastelli hill, Southeast area, 20-Pit B | settlement | LM IIIB2 | ISJ | ]ta-*22-[ | Apparently ta-*22-de-so | 4 | Hallager 2011: 419, pl.275 | |||||||||
45 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 47 | KH Z 40 | NO | Crete | Probable | ISJs with certain provenance are consistently shown to be Cretan | Khania | Kastelli hill, Room D, between layer with stones and floor | settlement | LM IIIB1 | ISJ | ]ra[ or ]o[ | Neither reading is absolutely certain | 4 | Hallager 2011: 419, pl.275 | |||||||||
46 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 48 | KH Z 41 | NO | Crete | Probable | ISJs with certain provenance are consistently shown to be Cretan | Khania | Kastelli hill, Southeast area, 20-Pit B | settlement | LM IIIB2 | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | Sign identification difficult | 4 | Hallager 2011: 419, pl.275 | |||||||||
47 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 49 | KH Z 42 | NO | Crete | Probable | ISJs with certain provenance are consistently shown to be Cretan | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, 1/2-Pit | settlement | LM IIIB2 | ISJ | ]ka[ | 4 | Hallager 2011: 419, pl.275 | ||||||||||
48 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 50 | KH Z 43 | NO | West Crete? | Probable | Macroscopic examination of the fabric suggested west Crete (B.P. Hallager apud Andreadaki-Vlazaki & Hallager 2007: 18, n.41) | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 2, Room B, below latest floor in 35/Pit F | administrative | LM IIIB1 | ISJ | ze-ta-ro , wa | ze-ta-ro is unparalleled; wa stands for wa-na-ka-te-ro | 4 | Hallager 2011: 419, pl.276 | |||||||||
49 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 51 | KH Z 44 | NO | Crete | Probable | ISJs with certain provenance are consistently shown to be Cretan | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB | ISJ | ]-ka[ | 4 | Hallager 2011: 419, pl.276 | ||||||||||
50 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 52 | KH Z 45 | YES | West Crete | Certain | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, 1/2-Pit | settlement | LM IIIB2 | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | Sign identification uncertain (perhaps ]ri[ or ]no[ ) | 4 | Hallager 2011: 419, pl.276 | ||||||||||
51 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 53 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH39 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North 1/2-Pit | settlement | LM IIIB2 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 157, 274, pl.123c | |||||||||
52 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 54 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH40 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 138 | ||||||||||
53 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 55 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH41 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 138 | ||||||||||
54 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 56 | YES | Central/ West Crete | Certain | KH42 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | TSJ | West Crete ? | TSJ 12 | 4 | Haskell et all 2011: 138 | ||||||||||
55 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 57 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH43 | Khania | Kastelli hill (post-Minoan context) | settlement | LM I-II ? | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 1997: 106 | |||||||||
56 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 58 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH44 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Room O (levelling deposit?) | settlement | LM IIIB2 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2000: 85, pl.71c:4 | ||||||||||
57 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 59 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH45 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 138 | |||||||||
58 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 60 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint; macroscopi examination supports Central Cretan assignment | KH46 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 138 | ||||||||||
59 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 61 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | KH47 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 1, Room A, floor deposit | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | Group X | TSJ 15 | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 68, pl.99c:2 | |||||||||
60 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 62 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH48 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 4 | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 138 | ||||||||||
61 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 63 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH49 | Khania | Kastelli hill (post-Minoan context) | settlement | LM IIIB1? | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 1997: 121 | |||||||||||
62 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 64 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH50 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 4 | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 138 | ||||||||||
63 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 65 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | KH51 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA2 | SJ small, fine | Group X | TSJ 16 | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 138 | |||||||||
64 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 66 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH52 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 2 | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 138 | |||||||||||
65 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 67 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH53 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 1997: 108 | |||||||||
66 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 68 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically closer to Central Crete rather than Boeotian ranges of the 'Central Crete/ Boeotian' spectrum | KH54 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 1, Space P (related deposits) | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (closer to Central Crete) | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 46, pl.93d:17 | |||||||||
67 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 69 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | KH55 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 1, Space P, above or within floor | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | Group X | TSJ 14s | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 44, pl.93b:7 | |||||||||
68 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 70 | YES | West Crete? | Probable | KH56 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Courtyard Area, 11-Pit E | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 13 | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 94, pl.105e:3 | ||||||||||
69 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 71 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Uncertain results from petrography | KH57 | Khania | Kastelli hill (post-Minoan context) | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 4 | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 1997: 65 | |||||||||
70 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 72 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH58 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 1, Room A | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 64, pl.102b:3 | ||||||||||
71 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 73 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically closer to Central Crete rather than Boeotian ranges; deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KH59 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, Central Dump | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (closer to Central Crete) | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 156, pl.129a | |||||||||
72 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 74 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH60 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, 1/2 Pit | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ (ISJ?) | West Crete | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 149, pl.123e | |||||||||||
73 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 75 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH61 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, 1/2 Pit | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | West Crete | Traces of possible Linear B signs? Further investigation pending | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 149, pl.124a | ||||||||||
74 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 76 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | KH62 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, 1/2 Pit | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | Group X | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 150, pls.55, 123f | ||||||||||
75 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 77 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | KH63 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Space N, related deposit | settlement | LM IIIB2/ IIIC | TSJ | Group X | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2000: 72, pl.68c:1 | ||||||||||
76 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 78 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH64 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 1, Room A | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 65, pl.102b:4 | |||||||||||
77 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 79 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Chemistry suggests West Cretan provenance, although deep wavy line decoration is associated usually with Central Crete (but see ANG01 in Haskell et al 2011) | KH65 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Building 1, Room A, floor deposit | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 60, pls.55, 99b | |||||||||
78 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 80 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KH66 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Room I, Pit | settlement | LM IIIC | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2000: 41, pls.55, 59f | |||||||||
79 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 81 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically closer to Central Crete rather than Boeotian ranges | KH67 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, 16-Pit E | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia (closer to Central Crete range) | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 35, pl.119b:2 | ||||||||||
80 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 82 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH68 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Southeast Area, 20-Pit B | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Hallager & Hallager 2003: 116, pl.114a:1 | |||||||||||
81 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 83 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH69 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||||
82 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 84 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH70 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||||
83 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 85 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Assignment to West Crete less confident | KH71 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
84 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 86 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | KH72 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | Group X | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
85 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 87 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH73 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
86 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 88 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH74 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
87 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 89 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH75 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||||
88 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 90 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH76 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
89 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 91 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | KH77 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | Group X | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||
90 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 92 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH78 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||||
91 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 93 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH79 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||||
92 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 94 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH80 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
93 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 95 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH82 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||||
94 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 96 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH83 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||||
95 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 97 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH86 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
96 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 98 | YES | Probably Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Assignment less confident | KH87 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
97 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 99 | YES | Probably Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Assignment less confident | KH88 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
98 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 100 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH89 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | |||||||||||
99 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 101 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH90 | Khania | Kastelli hill | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | 4 | Haskell et al 2011: 139 | ||||||||||
100 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 102 | KN Z 1716 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN02 | Knossos | Unexplored Mansion, Room D | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB Early | ISJ | B | XIa | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | wi-na-jo | On shoulder; Personal name wi-na-jo occurs on KN tablets (of interest is Fh 1059 where he is mentioned on a record of olive oil), as well as on other ISJs (ARM Z 1; MI Z 4) | 5 | Popham 1984: 184, cat. no.D5, pl.110a-c | ||||
101 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 103 | YES | Crete (ambiguous) | Probable | Chemistry suggests West Crete, but macroscopic examination of brick-red fabric and deep wavy line decoration are mostly associated with Central or East Crete | KN03 | Knossos | Palace, Area of South Basements | settlement/ central administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | West Crete | 5 | Popham 1964: 15, no.16, pl.3c; Popham 1977: 189, no.7, pl.27d | ||||||||
102 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 104 | YES | Probably Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but macroscopic examination of the fabric suggests Central Crete | KN05 | Knossos | Palace, above Queen's Megaron | settlement/ central administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | B | XX | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Popham 1970: pl.12d, e | |||||||
103 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 105 | YES | Probably Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN06 | Knossos | Little Palace (provenance unknown: P.I. Gen. 1458) | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | B | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Hatzaki 2005: 167, no.305, fig.4.28.5, pl.21c | |||||||||
104 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 106 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN07 | Knossos | Palace, Area of Queen's Megaron? | settlement/ central administrative | LM IIIB? | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Popham 1970: pl.28f | |||||||||
105 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 107 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint; petrography suggests Central Crete | KN09 | Knossos | Little Palace | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||||
106 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 108 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN10 | Knossos | Little Palace | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||||
107 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 109 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN11 | Knossos | Little Palace | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||||
108 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 110 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KN12 | Knossos | Little Palace | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | ||||||||||
109 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 111 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint; petrography assigns this jar to Central Crete, which is compatible with the gritty surface often seen on TSJs from this region | KN13 | Knossos | Little Palace | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete | TSJ 8 | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||||
110 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 112 | YES | Probably Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN15 | Knossos | Southeast House | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 5 | Popham 1970: pl23d lower left | |||||||||
111 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 113 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but macroscopically consistent with Central Crete | KN19 | Knossos | provenance unknown | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB? | TSJ | B | XX | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||
112 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 114 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but typologically consistent with Central Crete | KN20 | Knossos | provenance unknown | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB? | TSJ | B | XX | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 4 | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | ||||||
113 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 115 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but typologically consistent with Central Crete | KN21 | Knossos | provenance unknown | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB? | TSJ | B | XX | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||
114 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 116 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but macroscopically consistent with Central Crete | KN22 | Knossos | provenance unknown | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB? | TSJ | B | XX | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 4 | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | ||||||
115 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 117 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but closer to Central Cretan rathar than Boeotian ranges of the spectrum. Petrography has confirmed assignment to Central Crete | KN23 | Knossos | Southeast House | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | ISJ? | Central Crete or Boeotia (closer to Central Cretan ranges) | TSJ 8 | ka-[ | On shoulder; reading as Linear B sign uncertain | 5 | Popham 1970: pl.23f right; Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||
116 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 118 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but closer to Central Cretan rathar than Boeotian ranges of the spectrum. | KN24 | Knossos | Southeast House | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (closer to Central Cretan ranges) | 5 | Popham 1970: pl.23f upper right | |||||||||
117 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 119 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but closer to Central Cretan rathar than Boeotian ranges of the spectrum. Deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs. Petrography has confirmed assignment to Central Crete | KN25 | Knossos | Southeast House | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (closer to Central Cretan ranges) | TSJ 8 | 5 | Popham 1970: pl.23f left | ||||||||
118 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 120 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KN26 | Knossos | Palace, below floor of West Magazine XVIII | settlement/ central administrative | TSJ | West Crete | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | ||||||||||||
119 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 121 | YES | Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Assignment less confident | KN27 | Knossos | Palace, below floor of West Magazine XVIII | settlement/ central administrative | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||||||
120 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 122 | YES | Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Assignment less confident | KN28 | Knossos | Palace, Southwestern Foundations | settlement/ central administrative | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 4 | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | ||||||||||
121 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 123 | YES | Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Assignment less confident | KN29 | Knossos | provenance unknown | settlement/ administrative | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | |||||||||||
122 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 124 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KN30 | Knossos | Stratigraphic Museum Extension site, Trench W | settlement/ administrative | LM IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 5 | Warren 1997: 168-169, fig.20 | |||||||
123 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 125 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KN31 | Knossos | provenance unknown | settlement/ administrative | YES | TSJ | A | Ia? | West Crete | 5 | Boardman 1963: pl.XVIIa | |||||||||
124 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 126 | YES | Probably Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but closer to Central Cretan rathar than Boeotian ranges of the spectrum. Deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN32 | Knossos | Palace, South Basements, Room of the Vases | settlement/ central administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | B | XXI | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 5 | Popham 1964: 13, no.2, pl.3d-e | |||||||
125 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 127 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint. Deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN33 | Knossos | Palace, South Basements, Room of the Vases | settlement/ central administrative | LM IIIB | TSJ | B | XXI | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Popham 1964: 13, no.3, pl.3f | |||||||
126 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 128 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint. Deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN34 | Knossos | provenance unknown | settlement/ administrative | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Popham 1964: 18, no.31, pl.4a | |||||||||
127 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 129 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint. Deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | KN35 | Knossos | provenance unknown | settlement/ administrative | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Popham 1964: 18, no.32, pl.3g | ||||||||||
128 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 130 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint. Fabric (macroscopic examination) consistent with Central Crete | KN36 | Knossos | Palace, Room of the Stirrup Vases? | settlement/ central administrative | LM IIIB? | TSJ | D | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 5 | Popham 1964: 16, no.20, pl.4d | ||||||||
129 | 3 | Armenoi | Armeni/ Αρμένοι | Crete | Central-West | Greece | 131 | YES | Crete (perhaps Armenoi region) | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | AR02 | Armenoi | Chamber tomb | funerary | LM IIIB | TSJ | Affinity with Typegroup XI | 0 | Group X | 3 | Haskell et al 2011: 134 | |||||||||
130 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 132 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO01 | Kommos | Hilltop, South section, Court 2, trench 21A, unit 3:5 (Cat.no. C5399 given by Haskell et al 2011: 140 may be incorrect, since this refers to an amphora from Court 2 published by Watrous 1992: 81, no.1415, fig.54, pl.35:1415 | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | ||||||||||
131 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 133 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete | KO02 | Kommos | Hilltop, South section, space 2 Upper, trench 12A5, unit 3.82 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 9 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | ||||||||||
132 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 134 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO03 | Kommos | Hilltop, South section, space 2 Upper, trench 12A5, unit 3.82 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 140 | ||||||||||
133 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 135 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO06 | Kommos | K80A, trench 33B, unit 3:38 | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||
134 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 136 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO07 | Kommos | Trench 11A, unit 3:89 | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||
135 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 137 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO08 | Kommos | Hilltop, North House, Room N 17b, Trench 19B, unit 3:12 | settlement | LM IIIA2-IIIB1 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 23 | 6 | Watrous 1992: 58, no.987, pl.23 | ||||||||||
136 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 138 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO09 | Kommos | Central Hillside, Room 4, Floor, Shrine. K76, Trench 2A, unit 3:4 | settlement/ religious? | LM IIIB1/IIIB2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 15 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||
137 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 139 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO10 | Kommos | Hilltop, Room 12, Floor | settlement | LM IIIB1 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Watrous 1992: 94, no.1636, fig.61, pl.41 | |||||||||
138 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 140 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO11 | Kommos | Lower Hillside, trench 21B, unit 3:10 | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||
139 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 141 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO12 | Kommos | Central Hilltop, Oblique House, Court O13, trench 25A, unit 3:6 | settlement | LM IIIA2/IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 9 | 6 | Watrous 1992: 65, no.1096 | |||||||||
140 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 142 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO13 | Kommos | Trench 25A, unit 3:5 | settlement | LM IIIA2/IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 9 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||
141 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 143 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO14 | Kommos | Hilltop, K77A, trench 13A, unit 3:13 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 13 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||
142 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 144 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO15 | Kommos | Central Hilltop, Oblique House, Room O19 Lower, trench 27A1, unit 3:33 | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 9 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||
143 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 145 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO16 | Kommos | Central Hilltop, Oblique House, Room O19 Lower, trench 27A1, unit 3:33 | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||
144 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 146 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO17 | Kommos | Hilltop, Southern Cliffside, Space 3 Upper, K77A, trench 12A1, unit 3:64 | settlement | LM IIIB1 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 9 | 6 | Watrous 1992: 97, no.1517, pl.38 | |||||||||
145 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 147 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO18 | Kommos | Lower Hillside, trench 21B, unit 3:18 | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||
146 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 148 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KO19 | Kommos | Hilltop, South section, Space 2 Upper, trench 12A5, unit 3:89 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||||
147 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 149 | YES | Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete (perhaps South-central Crete) | KO20 | Kommos | Hilltop, South section, Space 2 Upper, trench 12A5, unit 3:89 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | TSJ 9 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||
148 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 150 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO21 | Kommos | Hilltop, South section, Space 2 Upper, trench 12A5, unit 3:89 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||
149 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 151 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO22 | Kommos | Hilltop, South section, Space 2 Upper, trench 12A5, unit 3:89 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||
150 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 152 | YES | South-central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests south-central Crete | KO23 | Kommos | Hilltop, South section, Space 2 Upper, trench 12A5, unit 3:89 | settlement | LM IIIB2 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||
151 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 153 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography suggests Central Crete | KO24 | Kommos | Hillside House, Room 3, K77A,trench 9A2, unit 3:53 | settlement | LM IIIA2-IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||||
152 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 154 | YES | West Crete | Probable | For comments on fabric see also Day et al 2011: 545; typology supports West Cretan assignment of this TSJ. | 0 | KO25 | Kommos | C7987 | settlement | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | West Crete | TSJ 1; see also comments on Cretan Fabric F in Day et al 2011: 528, 545, fig.3h. | 6 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||
153 | 33 | Kourion | Κούριον | Cyprus | North | Cyprus | 155 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but oatmeal fabric is not confidently associated with any certainly Mainland jar found on Cyprus | KOU01 | Kourion | OT 50/ NT 28 | funerary | LM IIIA2/IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | Incised Cypriot potmark on each handle | 33 | Catling & Karageorghis 1969: 118-1919, no.23, fig.7; Benson 1961-1963: 37-38, pl.XVII | |||||||||
154 | 14 | Kastri | Καστρί | Kythera | Greece | 156 | YES | Local (Kytheran)? | Certain | Chemically this is ambiguous, but petrography seems to suggest local provenance. This is interesting, because Light-on-Dark decoration is otherwise confined to West Crete | KY01 | Kastri | Deposit ρ (refuse dump from above burial level of Tomb J) | settlement | LM IIIA2-IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | Uncertain | TSJ 24 | 14 | Coldstream & Huxley 1972: 157, no.50, pl.43.50 | ||||||||||
155 | 15 | Lefkandi | Λευκαντί | Greek Mainland | Euboea | Greece | 157 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Assignment less confident | LK01 | Lefkandi | surface find | surface find | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 15 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||||
156 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 158 | MA Z 1 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MA01 | Malia | Quartier Nu, Space IV.1 | settlement | LM IIIB early | ISJ | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | ma-re-wa | On shoulder. | 7 | Farnoux & Driessen 1991: 77-78, 80-82, figs.9-12 | |||||||
157 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 159 | MA Z 2 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but, besides the fact that no ISJ has a secure Mainland provenance, deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs. | MA02 | Malia | Quartier Nu, Space II.6 | settlement | LM IIIB early | ISJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | ko-no | On shoulder. | 7 | Farnoux & Driessen 1991: 80-84, figs.13-14 | |||||||
158 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 160 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but chemically closer to Central Crete. Petrography has confirmed its assignment to Central Crete | MA03 | Malia | Quartier Nu | settlement | LM IIIB early | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | 7 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||
159 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 161 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MA04 | Malia | Quartier Nu | settlement | LM IIIB early | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 7 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||||
160 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 162 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but chemically closer to Central Crete. Petrography has confirmed its assignment to Central Crete | MA05 | Malia | Quartier Nu | settlement | LM IIIB early | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | 7 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||
161 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 163 | YES | Central Crete or Boeotia (uncertain) | Certain | MA06 | Malia | Quartier Nu | settlement | LM IIIB early | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 14 | 7 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | |||||||||||
162 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 164 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint. Petrography has confirmed its assignment to Central Crete | MA07 | Malia | Quartier Nu | settlement | LM IIIB early | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | 7 | Haskell et al 2011: 141 | ||||||||||
163 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 165 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint. Petrography has confirmed its assignment to Central Crete | MA08 | Malia | Quartier Nu | settlement | LM IIIB early | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | 7 | Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||||||
164 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 166 | MA Z 3 | YES | West Crete or Central Crete | Probable | Similarity to MA Z 1 could suggest a West Cretan provenance, but fabric identification (C. Knappett's unpublished study cited by Driessen, Farnoux & Langohr forthcoming) is inconclusive. | 0 | Malia | Quartier Nu, Room X12 | settlement | LM IIIB early | ISJ | Fabric similar to other TSJs from Malia Quartier Nu, but uncertain assignment (unpublished study by C. Knappett cited by Driessen, Farnoux & Langohr forthcoming) | ]-ru-ka-[ | On belly. It is unclear whether the sequence is complete or not. ]ru- is most likely, although ]qi cannot be excluded. If ]-ru-ka[ then ka-ru-ka (cf. KH Z 1) is a plausible reconstruction. | 7 | Driessen, Farnoux & Langohr forthcoming | ||||||||
165 | 7 | Malia | Mallia/ Μάλια/ Μάλλια | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 167 | MA Z 4 | YES | Central Crete (south Central Crete perhaps) | Certain | Octopus decoration would support assignment to (south) Central Crete | 0 | Malia | Quartier Nu, Room X13 | settlement | LM IIIB early | ISJ | 0 | Fabric from "between Myrtos and East Mesara" in the south coast of Crete (C. Knappett's unpublished study cited by Driessen, Farnoux & Langohr forthcoming) | sa-qe | On shoulder. Reading likely. | 7 | Driessen, Farnoux & Langohr forthcoming | |||||||
166 | 8 | Mameloukou Cave | Mameloukou Trypa/ Του Μαμελούκου η Τρύπα | Crete | West | Greece | 168 | MAM Z 1 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MAM01 | Mameloukou Cave | Cave | storage? | LM IIIB1 | ISJ | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | ta-a-ro | On shoulder. All sign identifications are likely, but uncertain. A reading ja-wa-ro is also cited as an alternative by Sacconi (1974: 189) | 8 | Sacconi 1974: 189, pl.LXIX | |||||||
167 | 12 | Gla | Glas/ Γλας/ Γλα | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 169 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Boeotia) | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but closer to the Boeotia ranges. | GLA01 | Gla | South enclosure, Building H, Room H4 | administrative? | LH IIIB1-LH IIIB2 Transitional | TSJ | Greek Mainland (Boeotia) | 12 | Iakovidis 1983: 48-49 | |||||||||||
168 | 17 | Orchomenos | Orchomenus/ Orcomeno/ Orkhomenos | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 170 | OR Z 1 | YES | West Crete | Certain | OR01 | Orchomenos | Exact findspot unknown | settlement? | LM IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | β | ti-sa-ri-[•] | On belly. Only ti- and -sa- are relatively uncertain readings. Identification of -ri- and all other signs is quite debatable. | 17 | Sacconi 1974: 119-120, pl.XXIII; Mountjoy 1983: 32, fig.11; Petrakis forthcoming | ||||||||
169 | 34 | Pyla: Kokkinokremos | Πύλα Κοκκινόκρεμος | Cyprus | West | Cyprus | 171 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but no oatmeal fabric TSJs found on Cyprus have been securely assigned to a Mainland provenance. | PYLA01 | Pyla: Kokkinokremos | Exact findspot unknown | settlement (fortified citadel) | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 34 | Haskell et al 2011: 146 | ||||||||||||
170 | 37 | Ugarit | Ougarit/ Ras Shamra/ Ras-Shamra | Ugarit | Syria | north, coastal | Syria | 172 | YES | Uncertain (local Syrian?) | RS01 | Ras Shamra (Ugarit) | Royal Palace, to the North of Court III | administrative | LH/LM IIIB? | TSJ | Uncertain | 37 | Hirschfeld 2000: 113, 228, no.213, fig.18 | ||||||||||||
171 | 38 | Sidmant el-Gebel | Sedment | Egypt | North-East | Egypt | 173 | YES | Uncertain | Although often cited as a Cretan import, its burnished surface and medium-fine fabric are highly untypical for FS 164. Furumark (1941: 612) has assigned it to his FS 172 (Ben-Shlomo et al. 2011: 336) | SID01 | Sidmant | Tomb 59 | funerary | LH/LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Uncertain | medium-fine | 38 | Kemp & Merrillees 1980: 229, 246-247, figs.70, 76, pl.32 | ||||||||||
172 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 174 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | ULB01/ ULB08 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 10 | 28 | Haskell et al 2011: 150 | ||||||||||||
173 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 175 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Macroscopic examination of fabric seems to suggest Central Cretan provenance (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | ULB02 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 1 | 28 | Bass et al. 1989: 12 | |||||||||||
174 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 176 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Gritty surface seems compatible with Central Cretan provenance | ULB03 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 8 | 28 | Bass et al. 1989: 12 | |||||||||||
175 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 177 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | ULB04 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 11 | 28 | Bass et al. 1989: 12 | ||||||||||||
176 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 178 | YES | Non-Aegean provenance | Petrography inconsistent with Aegean provenance | ULB05 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 6 | 28 | Haskell et al 2011: 150 | ||||||||||||
177 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 179 | YES | Uncertain | Macroscopic examination of fabric seems to suggest Central Cretan provenance (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | ULB06 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 7 | Incised CM sign on each handle | 28 | Haskell et al 2011: 150 | |||||||||||
178 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 180 | YES | Non-Aegean provenance | Typology not compatible with Aegean TSJs | ULB07 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 1 | Incised CM sign on each handle | 28 | Haskell et al 2011: 150 | |||||||||||
179 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 182 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | ULB09 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 8 | Incised CM sign on each handle | 28 | Haskell et al 2011: 150 | |||||||||||
180 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 183 | YES | West Crete | Certain | ULB10 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 1 | Incised CM sign on each handle | 28 | Haskell et al 2011: 150 | |||||||||||
181 | 28 | Uluburun | Ulu Βurun/ Antiphellos/ Αντίφελλος | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 184 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | ULB11 | Uluburun | shipwreck | shipwreck | LH/LM IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 11 | 28 | Haskell et al 2011: 150 | ||||||||||||
182 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 185 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG01 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIa | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 149 | ||||||||
183 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 186 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese (cf. PYL03) (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | ZYG02 | Zygouries | Mycenaean House West of Hill | settlement | LH IIIB | TSJ | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 141, fig.132 left | |||||||||||
184 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 187 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG03 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIa | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 149 | ||||||||
185 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 188 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG04 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIa | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 149, fig.139 | ||||||||
186 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 189 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG05 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIa | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 141, 149, fig.132 right | ||||||||
187 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 190 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG06 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIa | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 149 | ||||||||
188 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 191 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG07 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIa | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 149 | ||||||||
189 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 192 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG08 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIa | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 149 | ||||||||
190 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 193 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG09 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIb | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 151 | ||||||||
191 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 194 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG10 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIb | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 150-151, fig.140 | ||||||||
192 | 22 | Zygouries | Ζυγουριές | Greek Mainland | Corinthia (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 195 | YES | Greek Mainland (perhaps Northeast Peloponnese) | Certain | Chemically consistent with Northeast Peloponnese; fineware technique is typically Mainland according to Haskell (apud Haskell et al 2011: 21-22, Table 27) | ZYG11 | Zygouries | Potter's Shop | settlement | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | XXIIb | 0 | Group X | 22 | Blegen 1928: 155 | ||||||||
193 | 18 | Ano Englianos | Pylos/ Pylus/ Πύλος/ Επάνω Εγκλιανός/ Επάνω Εγγλιανός/ Άνω Εγκλιανός/ Άνω Εγγλιανός | Pulos (Linear B spelling pu-ro) | Greek Mainland | Messenia (SW Peloponnese) | Greece | 198 | YES | Southwestern Peloponnese? | Probable | PYL01 | Ano Englianos (Pylos) | Main Building, Room 38 | administrative | end of LH IIIB/ incipient IIIC? | TSJ | Uncertain | 18 | Blegen & Rawson 1966: 410, fig.391:595 | |||||||||||
194 | 18 | Ano Englianos | Pylos/ Pylus/ Πύλος/ Επάνω Εγκλιανός/ Επάνω Εγγλιανός/ Άνω Εγκλιανός/ Άνω Εγγλιανός | Pulos (Linear B spelling pu-ro) | Greek Mainland | Messenia (SW Peloponnese) | Greece | 199 | YES | West Crete (probable) | Probable | PYL02 | Ano Englianos (Pylos) | Main Building, Room 32 | administrative | end of LH IIIB/ incipient IIIC? | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 18 | Blegen & Rawson 1966: 404, figs.389:402, 390:402 | |||||||||||
195 | 18 | Ano Englianos | Pylos/ Pylus/ Πύλος/ Επάνω Εγκλιανός/ Επάνω Εγγλιανός/ Άνω Εγκλιανός/ Άνω Εγγλιανός | Pulos (Linear B spelling pu-ro) | Greek Mainland | Messenia (SW Peloponnese) | Greece | 200 | YES | Southwest Peloponnese? | Probable | Typological similarity to ZYG02 | PYL03 | Ano Englianos (Pylos) | Northeastern Building, Room 99 | administrative | end of LH IIIB/ incipient IIIC? | TSJ | Uncertain | 18 | Blegen & Rawson 1966: 405, fig.389:407 | ||||||||||
196 | 18 | Ano Englianos | Pylos/ Pylus/ Πύλος/ Επάνω Εγκλιανός/ Επάνω Εγγλιανός/ Άνω Εγκλιανός/ Άνω Εγγλιανός | Pulos (Linear B spelling pu-ro) | Greek Mainland | Messenia (SW Peloponnese) | Greece | 201 | YES | West Crete? | Probable | Chemically close to West Crete (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | PYL04 | Ano Englianos (Pylos) | Northeastern Building, Room 96 | administrative | end of LH IIIB/ incipient IIIC? | TSJ | Uncertain | 18 | Blegen & Rawson 1966: 405, figs.389:817, 390:817 | ||||||||||
197 | 18 | Ano Englianos | Pylos/ Pylus/ Πύλος/ Επάνω Εγκλιανός/ Επάνω Εγγλιανός/ Άνω Εγκλιανός/ Άνω Εγγλιανός | Pulos (Linear B spelling pu-ro) | Greek Mainland | Messenia (SW Peloponnese) | Greece | 202 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration not associated with Mainland TSJs. Petrography has confirmed assignment to Central Crete | PYL05 | Ano Englianos (Pylos) | Area 101 | administrative | end of LH IIIB/ incipient IIIC? | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 18 | Blegen & Rawson 1966: 404, fig.348:1-4 | ||||||||
198 | 40 | Antigori | Αντίγοροι | Sardinia | South | Italy | 203 | YES | Probably Central Crete or Boeotia | Uncertain chemical results | ANT01 | Antigori | Vano A, Stratum 10 | settlement | LH IIIB/IIIC | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 40 | Ferarrese Ceruti 1982: 173, no.11, pl.LXIII:10 | ||||||||||||
199 | 40 | Antigori | Αντίγοροι | Sardinia | South | Italy | 204 | YES | West Crete | Certain | ANT02 | Antigori | Vano A, Stratum 10 | settlement | LH IIIB/IIIC | TSJ | West Crete | 40 | Ferrarese Ceruti 1981: 608 | ||||||||||||
200 | 10 | Athens | Athina/ Athenai/ Αθήναι/ Αθήνα | Greek Mainland | Attica | Greece | 205 | YES | Greek Mainland | Probable | Chemically uncertain. Assignment based on typology and manufacture (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | ATH01 | Athens | Acropolis North Slope, mixed deposit | settlement? | TSJ | D | 0 | Uncertain | 10 | Hansen 1937: 563, fig.16k | ||||||||||
201 | 41 | Agrigento | Ακράγας | Sicily | South | Italy | 206 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment suggested by petrography | CAN01 | Cannatello | Domestic deposit | settlement | TSJ | TSJ 9 | 41 | Day & Joyner 2005 | ||||||||||||
202 | 41 | Agrigento | Ακράγας | Sicily | South | Italy | 207 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment suggested by petrography | CAN02 | Cannatello | Domestic deposit | settlement | TSJ | 0 | TSJ 9 | 41 | Day & Joyner 2005 | |||||||||||
203 | 35 | Cyprus (further details unknown) | Zypern/ Chypre/ Kibris/ Κύπρος | Alashiya (referring to the whole of the island, or the region or city of Enkomi) | Cyprus | Cyprus | 208 | YES | West Crete? | Certain | Although chemically West Cretan, octopus decoration would suggest Central Crete | CYP01 | Cyprus (further details unknown) | unknown | unknown | TSJ | B | 0 | West Crete | 35 | Catling & Karageorghis 1960:119, no.24, pl.29a-b | ||||||||||
204 | 35 | Cyprus (further details unknown) | Zypern/ Chypre/ Kibris/ Κύπρος | Alashiya (referring to the whole of the island, or the region or city of Enkomi) | Cyprus | Cyprus | 209 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically uncertain (Group X), but octopus decoration would suggest Central Crete | CYP02 | Cyprus (further details unknown) | unknown | unknown | TSJ | 0 | Group X | Incised CM signs on each handle | 35 | Shapiro, Picón & Scott eds 1995: 46 | ||||||||||
205 | 30 | Dhenia: Kafkalla | Δένια | Cyprus | North-Central | Cyprus | 210 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically uncertain (Group X), but deep wavy line decoration would suggest Central Crete | DHE01 | Dhenia: Kafkalla | Looted tomb | funerary | TSJ | 0 | Group X | Incised CM sign on handle | 30 | Catling & Karageorghis 1962: 119, no.27, pl.29d | ||||||||||
206 | 30 | Dhenia: Kafkalla | Δένια | Cyprus | North-Central | Cyprus | 211 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically uncertain (Group X), but deep wavy line decoration would suggest Central Crete | DHE02 | Dhenia: Kafkalla | Surface find | unknown | TSJ | 0 | Group X | Incised CM signs on each handle | 30 | Masson 1962: 301-302, figs.1-2 | ||||||||||
207 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 212 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but closer to the Central Cretan rather than the Boeotian ranges of the spectrum | ENK01 | Enkomi | Area III, over original floor of Level 1, Level IIIA building | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 63 | Dikaios 1969-1971 I: 267, pl.73:23 | ||||||||||
208 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 213 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Although petrography and chemistry suggest a West Cretan provenance, the octopus decoration is more closely associated with Central Crete. If these identifications are correct, then this is "a rare West Crete octopus jar" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | ENK02 | Enkomi | Room 36, Area I, Ashlar Building, Level IIA | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 63 | Haskell et al 2011: 135 | ||||||||
209 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 214 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but no TSJs of oatmeal fabric with definite Mainland associations have been found on Cyprus | ENK05 | Enkomi | Area III, Level III | settlement | LM IIIC | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 63 | Dikaios 1969-1971 I: 284, pl.80:24 | |||||||||
210 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 215 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), but deep wavy line decoration is associated with Central Crete. Petrography has confirmed its assignment to Central Crete | ENK07 | Enkomi | Area III, over original floor, Level IIIA building | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Group X | TSJ 11 | 63 | Dikaios 1969-1971 I: 263, pl.71:16 | ||||||||
211 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 216 | YES | Crete? | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), but also similar to the Enkomi reference sample (Haskell et al 2011: Tables 19, 27) | ENK09 | Enkomi | Room 39 | settlement | TSJ | Group X | 63 | Haskell et al 2011: 135 | |||||||||||
212 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 217 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but chemically closer to the Central Cretan ranges. | ENK10 | Enkomi | further details unknown | settlement | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 63 | Haskell et al 2011: 135 | |||||||||||
213 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 218 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography assigns to Central Crete | ENK11 | Enkomi | further details unknown | settlement | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | 63 | Haskell et al 2011: 135 | ||||||||||
214 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 219 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but petrography assigns to Central Crete | ENK12 | Enkomi | further details unknown | settlement | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | 63 | Haskell et al 2011: 135 | ||||||||||
215 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 220 | YES | Central Crete? | Certain | Chemically uncertain, but petrography assigns to Central Crete | ENK13 | Enkomi | further details unknown | settlement | TSJ | Uncertain | TSJ 8 | 63 | Haskell et al 2011: 135 | ||||||||||
216 | 63 | Enkomi | Άγιος Ιάκωβος/ Tuzla | possibly Alashiya | Cyprus | North-East | Cyprus | 221 | YES | Crete? | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) and problematic (Haskell et al 2011: Tables 19, 27) | ENK16 | Enkomi | T2.160 | funerary | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Group X | 63 | Dikaios 1969-1971 I: 343, no.160, 347, pl.196:16 | |||||||||
217 | 31 | Episkopi: Pampoula | Επισκοπή Μπαμπούλα/ Παμπούλα | Cyprus | South | Cyprus | 222 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but no Mainland oatmeal fabric TSJs have been found in Cyprus, while deep wavy line is also not associated with Mainland TSJs | EP01 | Episkopi: Bamboula | Cellar, Area D | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | B | XIa | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | Incised CM sign on handle (post-fire) | 31 | Catling & Karageorghis 1960: 119, no.26; Benson 1961-1963: 46-47, fig.3; Palaima, Betancourt & Myer 1984 | |||||||
218 | 31 | Episkopi: Pampoula | Επισκοπή Μπαμπούλα/ Παμπούλα | Cyprus | South | Cyprus | 223 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but no Mainland oatmeal fabric TSJs have been found in Cyprus, while deep wavy line is also not associated with Mainland TSJs | EP02 | Episkopi: Bamboula | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 31 | Catling & Karageorghis 1960: 119, no.25, pl.29c | |||||||||||||
219 | 27 | Cape Gelidonya | Gelidonya Burnu/ Taşlık Burnu/ Chelidonia/ Χελιδονεία Άκρα | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 224 | YES | Crete? | Probable | GEL01 | Cape Gelidonya | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM IIIB | TSJ | TSJ 22 | 27 | Haskell et al 2011: 135 | ||||||||||||
220 | 27 | Cape Gelidonya | Gelidonya Burnu/ Taşlık Burnu/ Chelidonia/ Χελιδονεία Άκρα | Anatolia | South-West | Turkey | 225 | YES | Non-Aegean | Probable | Typology and fabric suggest a non-Aegean provenance | GEL02 | Cape Gelidonya | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM/LH IIIB | TSJ | 0 | TSJ 6 | 27 | Haskell et al 2011: 135 | ||||||||||
221 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 226 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | IAL01 | Ialysos | NT 12:1 | funerary | LM IIIC Early | TSJ | Group X | Single (different) CM signs incised on each handle (post-fire) | 25 | Benzi 1992: 248, pl.12a-c | ||||||||||
222 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 227 | YES | Rhodes | Certain | IAL02 | Ialysos | NT 50:8 | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | E | Rhodes | 25 | Benzi 1992: 336-337, pl.78d | |||||||||||
223 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 228 | YES | Non-Aegean | Probable | Typology and fabric suggest a non-Aegean provenance | IAL03 | Ialysos | NT 6:7 | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | 0 | West Crete (less confident) | 25 | Benzi 1992: 241-242, pl.5f | ||||||||||
224 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 229 | YES | Rhodes | Certain | IAL04 | Ialysos | NT 28:5 | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | E | Rhodes | 25 | Benzi 1992: 291-292, pl.48d | |||||||||||
225 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 230 | YES | Rhodes | Certain | IAL05 | Ialysos | NT 3:3 | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | E | Rhodes | 25 | Benzi 1992: 234, pl.1d | |||||||||||
226 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 231 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but chemically closer to the Central Cretan ranges. | IAL06 | Ialysos | NT 54:1 | funerary | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | E? | Central Crete or Boeotia | 25 | Benzi 1992: 348, pl.84a | ||||||||||
227 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 232 | YES | Rhodes | Certain | IAL07 | Ialysos | NT 7:3 | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | E | Rhodes | 25 | Benzi 1992: 242-243, pl.7c | |||||||||||
228 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 233 | YES | Probably West Crete | Probable | IAL08 | Ialysos | NT 55:4 | funerary | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 25 | Benzi 1992: 350, pl.85e | ||||||||||||
229 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 234 | YES | Probably Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but typology suggests a Central Cretan assignment | IAL09 | Ialysos | NT 4:3 | funerary | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 25 | Benzi 1992: 236 | ||||||||||
230 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 235 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | IAL10 | Ialysos | NT 50:7 | funerary | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | D | 0 | Group X | 25 | Benzi 1992: 336, pl.78c | |||||||||
231 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 236 | YES | Rhodes | Certain | IAL11 | Ialysos | OT 20 | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | E | Rhodes | 25 | Forsdyke 1925: 161, no.A892; Forsdyke 1930: 5, no.9, pl.4:9 | |||||||||||
232 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 237 | YES | Rhodes | Certain | IAL12 | Ialysos | OT 20 | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | E | Rhodes | 25 | Forsdyke 1925: 161, no.A893; Forsdyke 1930: 4, no.7, pl.4:7 | |||||||||||
233 | 25 | Ialysos | Ιαλυσός/ Ialiso/ Ialissos/ Trianda/ Τριάντα | Dodekanese | Rhodes | Greece | 238 | YES | Rhodes | Certain | IAL13 | Ialysos | OT 19 | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | E | Rhodes | 25 | Forsdyke 1925: 161, no.A891; Forsdyke 1930: 5, no.8, pl.4:8 | |||||||||||
234 | 13 | Point Iria | Iria/ Ίρια/ Ακρωτήριο Ιρίων | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 239 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment to Central Crete suggested by petrography | IR01 | Point Iria | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM IIIB | TSJ | TSJ 10 | 13 | Lolos 1991: 17, 20, figs.1, 5a; Lolos 1995: 79, figs.19-20 | |||||||||||
235 | 13 | Point Iria | Iria/ Ίρια/ Ακρωτήριο Ιρίων | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 240 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment to Central Crete suggested by petrography | IR02 | Point Iria | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM IIIB | TSJ | TSJ 9 | 13 | Lolos 1992: 21, 22, 24, figs.4 lower right, 5 left; Day 1999, 76 | |||||||||||
236 | 13 | Point Iria | Iria/ Ίρια/ Ακρωτήριο Ιρίων | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 241 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment to Central Crete suggested by petrography | IR03 | Point Iria | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM IIIB | TSJ | TSJ 10 | 13 | Lolos 1992: 21, fig.4 upper right | |||||||||||
237 | 13 | Point Iria | Iria/ Ίρια/ Ακρωτήριο Ιρίων | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 242 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment to Central Crete suggested by petrography | IR04 | Point Iria | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM IIIB | TSJ | TSJ 10 | 13 | Lolos 1992: 21, fig.4 upper left | |||||||||||
238 | 13 | Point Iria | Iria/ Ίρια/ Ακρωτήριο Ιρίων | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 243 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment to Central Crete suggested by petrography | IR05 | Point Iria | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM IIIB | TSJ | TSJ 10 | 13 | Lolos 1992: 21, 22, 24, figs.4 lower left, 5 lower right | |||||||||||
239 | 13 | Point Iria | Iria/ Ίρια/ Ακρωτήριο Ιρίων | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 244 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment to Central Crete suggested by petrography | IR06 | Point Iria | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM IIIB | TSJ | TSJ 10 | 13 | Haskell et al 2011: 136 | |||||||||||
240 | 13 | Point Iria | Iria/ Ίρια/ Ακρωτήριο Ιρίων | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 245 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Assignment to Central Crete suggested by petrography | IR07 | Point Iria | shipwreck | shipwreck | LM IIIB | TSJ | TSJ 10 | 13 | Haskell et al 2011: 136 | |||||||||||
241 | 32 | Kazaphani | Καζαφάνι | Cyprus | North | Cyprus | 246 | YES | Uncertain | KAZ01 | Kazaphani | Tomb 6 | funerary | LH/LM IIIB | TSJ | Uncertain | 32 | Haskell et al 2011: 136 | |||||||||||||
242 | 32 | Kazaphani | Καζαφάνι | Cyprus | North | Cyprus | 247 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but chemically closer to the Central Cretan ranges. | KAZ02 | Kazaphani | Tomb 6 | funerary | LM IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 32 | Haskell et al 2011: 136 | |||||||||||
243 | 32 | Kazaphani | Καζαφάνι | Cyprus | North | Cyprus | 248 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X). Since no coarse-ware TSJs of securely Mainland origin have been found in Cyprus, a Cretan assignment is favored | KAZ03 | Kazaphani | Tomb 6 | funerary | LM IIIB | TSJ | Group X | 32 | Haskell et al 2011: 136 | |||||||||||
244 | 36 | Minet el Beida | Ma'hadu | probably Mahadou | Syria | north, coastal | Syria | 249 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint, but deep wavy line decoration is not associated with Mainland TSJs | MIN01 | Minet el Beida | Tomb 5 | funerary | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | CM signs incised on handles | 36 | Hirschfeld 2000: 95, 223, no.121, fig.13 | ||||||||
245 | 36 | Minet el Beida | Ma'hadu | probably Mahadou | Syria | north, coastal | Syria | 250 | YES | West Crete? | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), but light-on-dark decoration is usually associated with West Crete. | MIN02 | Minet el Beida | Dep. 213; TR 8.IV | LM IIIA1 | YES | TSJ | Group X | CM sign incised on one handle | 36 | Hirschfeld 2000: 95, 223, no.120, fig.13 | |||||||||
246 | 36 | Minet el Beida | Ma'hadu | probably Mahadou | Syria | north, coastal | Syria | 251 | YES | Northeast Peloponnese | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), but typology suggests manufacture in the NE Peloponnese ("typologically identical with CM-incised pieces in the Argolid" in Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | MIN03 | Minet el Beida | TSJ | Group X | CM sign incised on handle fragment | 36 | Hirschfeld 2000: 113, 228, no.211, fig.18 | ||||||||||||
247 | 26 | Karpathos: Pigadia | Πηγάδια | Dodekanese | Karpathos | Greece | 252 | YES | Crete | Probable | Although chemically probably West Cretan, Melas (1985: 119-120) suggests an East Cretan assignment based on fabric observation | PIG01 | Pigadia | Chamber tomb | funerary | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 26 | Charitonides 1961-1962: 49, no.28, pl.16j left; Melas 1985: 120, no.C28, pl.123 | |||||||||||
248 | 26 | Karpathos: Pigadia | Πηγάδια | Dodekanese | Karpathos | Greece | 253 | YES | Crete (Central or East) | Probable | Although chemically Central Cretan, Melas (1985: 119-120) suggests an East Cretan assignment based on fabric observation | PIG02 | Pigadia | Chamber tomb | funerary | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 26 | Charitonides 1961-1962: 48-49, no.27, pl.16b right; Melas 1985: 119-120, no.C27, pl.123 | ||||||||||
249 | 26 | Karpathos: Pigadia | Πηγάδια | Dodekanese | Karpathos | Greece | 254 | YES | Crete (Central or East) | Probable | Although chemically probably Central Cretan, Melas (1985: 119-120) suggests an East Cretan assignment based on fabric observation. We should, however, note the octopus decoration, which can be associated with Central Crete in later (chiefly LM IIIB) TSJs. | PIG03 | Pigadia | Chamber tomb | funerary | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 26 | Charitonides 1961-1962: 47-48, no.26, fig.7, pl.16β left; Melas 1985: 119, no.C26, pls.120-122 | ||||||||||
250 | 9 | Palaikastro | Palekastro/ Palaicastro/ Παλάικαστρο | Crete | East | Greece | 255 | YES | East Crete? | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X). All Palaikastro samples in Haskell et all 2011 could be local, but PK01-PK03 are distinct from PK02-PK04-PK05. | PK01 | Palaikastro | unknown | TSJ | Group X | 9 | Forsdyke 1925: 117, no.A714; Benson 1961-1963: 49, no.85, pl.XVIII:5 | |||||||||||||
251 | 9 | Palaikastro | Palekastro/ Palaicastro/ Παλάικαστρο | Crete | East | Greece | 256 | YES | East Crete? | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X). All Palaikastro samples in Haskell et all 2011 could be local, but PK01-PK03 are distinct from PK02-PK04-PK05. | PK02 | Palaikastro | unknown | TSJ | Group X | 9 | Forsdyke 1925: 118, no.A715; Benson 1961-1963: 49, no.86, pl.XVIII:4 | |||||||||||||
252 | 9 | Palaikastro | Palekastro/ Palaicastro/ Παλάικαστρο | Crete | East | Greece | 257 | YES | East Crete? | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X). All Palaikastro samples in Haskell et all 2011 could be local, but PK01-PK03 are distinct from PK02-PK04-PK05. | PK03 | Palaikastro | "beehive tomb" | funerary | LM IIIA2/IIIB | TSJ | Group X | 9 | Smee 1966: 159-160, no.4, fig.1:4, pl.33c | |||||||||||
253 | 9 | Palaikastro | Palekastro/ Palaicastro/ Παλάικαστρο | Crete | East | Greece | 258 | YES | East Crete? | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X). All Palaikastro samples in Haskell et all 2011 could be local, but PK01-PK03 are distinct from PK02-PK04-PK05. Brick-red clay reported by Smee (1966: 160) could suggest East Cretan production (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27)? | PK04 | Palaikastro | "beehive tomb" | funerary | LM IIIA2/IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Group X | 9 | Smee 1966: 159-160, no.2, fig.1:2, pl.33a, d | ||||||||||
254 | 9 | Palaikastro | Palekastro/ Palaicastro/ Παλάικαστρο | Crete | East | Greece | 259 | YES | East Crete? | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X). All Palaikastro samples in Haskell et all 2011 could be local. Brick-red clay reported by Smee (1966: 160) could suggest East Cretan production (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27)? | PK05 | Palaikastro | "beehive tomb" | funerary | LM IIIA2/IIIB | TSJ | Group X | 9 | Smee 1966: 159-160, no.3, fig.1:3, pl.33b, e | |||||||||||
255 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 260 | YES | West Crete | Certain | SM01 | Menelaion | Aetos Stone Mound | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | 19 | Catling 2009: 261, no.A380, fig.307 | |||||||||||
256 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 261 | YES | West Crete | Certain | SM02 | Menelaion | Aetos Stone Mound | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete | 19 | Catling 2009: 261, no.A378, fig.307 | ||||||||||||
257 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 262 | YES | West Crete | Certain | SM03 | Menelaion | Aetos Stone Mound | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete | 19 | Catling 2009: 261, no.A381, fig.307 | ||||||||||||
258 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 263 | YES | West Crete | Certain | SM04 | Menelaion | Dawkins House, Room 1 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | 19 | Catling 2009: 102-103, no.I13, fig.122 | |||||||||||
259 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 264 | YES | West Crete | Certain | SM05 | Menelaion | J.23 11 (Mansion 2 Construction Level) | settlement | LM IIIA1 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | 19 | Catling 2009: 100, no.CLO9, fig.116 | |||||||||||
260 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 265 | YES | West Crete | Certain | SM06 | Menelaion | Dawkins House, Room 1 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ (ISJ uncertain) | West Crete | Incised mark or sign probable | 19 | Catling 2009: 292, no.T9, fig.323, pl.127d | |||||||||||
261 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 266 | YES | Probably West Crete | Probable | Light-on-Dark decoration is associated with West Crete. | SM07 | Menelaion | Aetos Stone Mound, Square 1, 16 | settlement | LM IIIB | YES | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 19 | Haskell et al 2011: 146 | ||||||||||
262 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 267 | YES | West Crete | Certain | SM08 | Menelaion | North Hill, Square N-P.3 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete | 19 | Catling 2009: 168, no.NW52, fig.222 | ||||||||||||
263 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 268 | YES | Probably West Crete | Probable | SM09 | Menelaion | 1973 Trench P | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 19 | Haskell et al 2011: 146 | ||||||||||||
264 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 269 | YES | West Crete | Certain | SM10 | Menelaion | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete | 19 | Haskell et al 2011: 146 | |||||||||||||
265 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 270 | YES | Probably West Crete | Probable | SM11 | Menelaion | North Hill, Square N-N.13 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 19 | Catling 2009: 164, no.NC38, fig.214 | ||||||||||||
266 | 19 | Menelaion | Μενελάιο(ν)/ Θεράπνη/ Therapne | Greek Mainland | Laconia (SE Peloponnese) | Greece | 271 | YES | Probably West Crete | Probable | SM12 | Menelaion | Mansions Area, M23/N.23, Level 1 | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 19 | Haskell et al 2011: 146 | ||||||||||||
267 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 272 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | Fabric identified as Western Mesara | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, Building N, Court 9 (pottery group 62) | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Watrous 1992: 109, no.1914; Rutter 2006, 548, no.62/2, pl.3.74 | |||||||||
268 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 273 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, Building N, Court 6 (pottery group 60) | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Rutter 2006: 545-546, no.60/15, pl.3.70 | |||||||||||
269 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 274 | YES | possibly Gavdos? | Probable | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, mixed fill (largely LM IB) south of Building T Spaces 10-11 | settlement | LM II | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric D | 6 | Rutter 2006: 492, no.46b/22, pl.3.51 | |||||||||||
270 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 275 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, Building N, Room 5 and Corridor 7 (pottery group 59) | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Rutter 2006: 542, no.59/12, pl.3.68 | ||||||||||
271 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 276 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Not Western Mesara | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, Building N, south end of Court 6 (pottery group 61) | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric G | 6 | Rutter 2006: 548, no.61/5, pl.3.73 | ||||||||||
272 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 278 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, between south wall of Court N6 and north wall of Archaic Building Q (pottery group 78) | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Rutter 2006: 574, no.78/21, pl.3.85 | |||||||||||
273 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 279 | YES | East Crete? | Probable | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, debris south of the House of the Snake Tube | settlement | LM IIIA1 | TSJ | 0 | chemical 'loner' | Fabric H | 6 | Watrous 1992: 31, no.520, pls.18, 50 | ||||||||||
274 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 280 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, Gallery P1 (pottery group 66) | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | 0 | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Rutter 2006: 552, no.66/10, pl.3.75 | ||||||||||
275 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 281 | YES | Crete | Probable | Further details uncertain | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, Gallery P6 (pottery group 75) | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric J | 6 | Rutter 2006: 569, no.75/5, pl.3.83 | ||||||||||
276 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 282 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | Southern area, mixed fill (largely LM IB) south of Building T Spaces 10-11 | settlement | LM II | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Rutter 2006: 492, no.46b/23, pl.3.51 | |||||||||||
277 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 283 | YES | Crete | Probable | Further details uncertain | 0 | Kommos | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | chemical 'loner' | Fabric I | 6 | Day et al 2011: 514, Table 1 | |||||||||||
278 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 284 | YES | possibly Gavdos? | Probable | 0 | Kommos | House X, Room 6 | settlement | LM II | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric D | 6 | Rutter 2006: 673; Day et al 2011: 514, Table 1 | |||||||||||
279 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 285 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | House X, Room 11 | settlement | LM II | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Watrous 1992: 26, no.448 | |||||||||||
280 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 286 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Day et al 2011: 514, Table 1 | ||||||||||||
281 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 287 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | settlement | LM IIIB | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Day et al 2011: 514, Table 1 | ||||||||||||
282 | 6 | Kommos | Κομμός | Crete | South-Central | Greece | 288 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Kommos | settlement | LM IIIA2 | TSJ | Chemical Group I (Central Crete, different from sample from LMIA Kommos kiln) | Fabric A | 6 | Day et al 2011: 514, Table 1 | ||||||||||||
283 | 14 | Kastri | Καστρί | Kythera | Greece | 289 | YES | West Crete | Certain | 98 | Kastri | Deposit π (debris from reoccupation of North House and neighbouring areas) | settlement debris | LM IIIA2-IIIB1 | TSJ | cf. TSJ 1 | 14 | Coldstream & Huxley 1972: 151, no.18, pl.41; Broodbank, Kyriatzi & Rutter 2005: 81, fabric in pl.12E | |||||||||||||
284 | 14 | Kastri | Καστρί | Kythera | Greece | 290 | YES | Probably West Crete | Probable | 98 | Kastri | Deposit ρ (refuse dump from above burial level of Tomb J) | settlement; refuse dump | LM IIIA2-IIIB1 | TSJ | cf. TSJ 1 | 14 | Coldstream & Huxley 1972: 157, no.43, pl.43; Broodbank, Kyriatzi & Rutter 2005: 81, fabric in pl.12E | |||||||||||||
285 | 14 | Kastri | Καστρί | Kythera | Greece | 291 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Fabric and typology suggest South Central Crete (similarities with Iria TSJs and Fabric TSJ 9) | 98 | Kastri | Deposit ρ (refuse dump from above burial level of Tomb J) | settlement; refuse dump | LM IIIA2-IIIB1 | TSJ | 0 | cf. TSJ 9 | 14 | Coldstream & Huxley 1972: 157, no.48, pl.43; Broodbank, Kyriatzi & Rutter 2005: 81, fabric in pl.12C | |||||||||||
286 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 292 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical perspective (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27), but Central Crete favored (most TSJs outside the Aegean are Central Cretan); petrography (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) confidently assigns this to South Central Crete | 0 | TAH01 | Tell Abu Hawam | Building 37 | settlement | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | Incised CM? mark on handle | 39 | Balensi 1980: 77, nos.501, 505, pl.131.18; Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3a and online Appendix | |||||||||
287 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 293 | YES | Uncertain | "No evidence of Cretan provenance" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 4 (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3h and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
288 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 294 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 220, 501, pls.33.3, 166.31 | ||||||||||||||
289 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 295 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 1b, "very high firing temperature; large fragments fine-frained, gray siltstone" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3i | |||||||||||||
290 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 296 | YES | Uncertain | "No evidence of Cretan provenance" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 5 related, "very fine; hardly any inclusions" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.2c and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
291 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 297 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3j and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
292 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 298 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3b and online Appendix | |||||||||||||
293 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 299 | YES | Uncertain | "No evidence of Cretan provenance" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 5, "relatively coarse" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.2b, 3d and online Appendix | |||||||||||||
294 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 300 | YES | South Central Crete? | Probable | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 1c, "rounded clay pellets" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3c (single sherd) and online Appendix | |||||||||||||
295 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 301 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 318, 436, pl.138.24, right | |||||||||||||
296 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 302 | YES | Uncertain | "No evidence of Cretan provenance" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 4 (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 307, 436, pl.145.96 | |||||||||||||
297 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 303 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 318, 436, pl.138.26 | ||||||||||||||
298 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 304 | YES | Uncertain | "No evidence of Cretan provenance" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 4 (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 340, 436, pl.142.41; Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3g and online Appendix | |||||||||||||
299 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 305 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 329, 436, pl.142.41 | ||||||||||||||
300 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 306 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 315, 436, pl.143.55 | ||||||||||||||
301 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 307 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a, "metamorphic component more prominent; phyllite, quartzite, quartzite-schist inclusions" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 318, 436, pl.138.24, left | ||||||||||||||
302 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 308 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3f and online Appendix | |||||||||||||
303 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 309 | YES | Uncertain | "loner" petrographically; fabric described as "too fine" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | loner" petrographically; fabric described as "too fine" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 310, pl.148.47 | |||||||||||||
304 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 310 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.2d upper and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
305 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 312 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | Chemical analysis (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) yielded uncertain results; petrography (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) confidently assigns this to South Central Crete | 0 | TAH02 | Tell Abu Hawam | outside Room 44 | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Uncertain | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Balensi 1980: 77, nos.306b-c, 501, 505, pls.33.7, 155.2-3; Balensi 2004: 165, 176, no.13, fig.4.13; Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.2a upper and online Appendix | |||||||||
306 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 313 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | 0 | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.2a lower and online Appendix | |||||||||||||
307 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 314 | YES | Uncertain | "No evidence of Cretan provenance" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 5, "fine; few rock fragments" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.3e and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
308 | 39 | Tell Abu Hawam | Haifa | Israel | south, coastal | Israel | 315 | YES | South Central Crete? | Probable | 0 | Tell Abu Hawam | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1c, "rounded clay pellets" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 39 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1 upper and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
309 | 46 | Ashdod | Isdud | Levant | south, coastal | Israel | 316 | YES | West Crete? | Probable | 0 | Ashdod | stratum XIV | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 2 (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 46 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.4d and online Appendix | |||||||||||||
310 | 46 | Ashdod | Isdud | Levant | south, coastal | Israel | 318 | YES | South Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Ashdod, South Beach | Locus 1008/1 | settlement | 13th century BC | TSJ | Fabric 1a (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 46 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.4e and online Appendix | ||||||||||||
311 | 47 | Ashkelon | Asqalān ; Ascalonia; Ἀσκάλων | Isqalluna (Akkadian) | Levant | south, coastal | Israel | 319 | YES | South Central Crete? | Probable | 0 | Ashkelon | phase 10 | settlement | 13th century BC | TSJ | Fabric 1 related? "metamorphic rocks; no volcanic rocks" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | deep wavy line? | Incised CM? mark on handle | 47 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.4g and online Appendix | |||||||||
312 | 47 | Ashkelon | Asqalān ; Ascalonia; Ἀσκάλων | Isqalluna (Akkadian) | Levant | south, coastal | Israel | 321 | YES | Uncertain | "No evidence of Cretan provenance" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Ashkelon | phase 21 | settlement | 13th century BC | TSJ | loner" petrographically (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 47 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, and online Appendix | |||||||||||
313 | 45 | Tel Akko | ʻAkkā; Acre; Ἄκρη | Levant | south, coastal (Haifa area) | Israel | 323 | YES | South Central Crete? | Probable | 0 | Tel Akko | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a related, "finer matrix; higher firing temperature" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 45 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.4a and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
314 | 45 | Tel Akko | ʻAkkā; Acre; Ἄκρη | Levant | south, coastal (Haifa area) | Israel | 324 | YES | South Central Crete? | Probable | 0 | Tel Akko | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1a related, "finer matrix; higher firing temperature" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | Incised CM? mark on handle | 45 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.4b and online Appendix | |||||||||||||
315 | 45 | Tel Akko | ʻAkkā; Acre; Ἄκρη | Levant | south, coastal (Haifa area) | Israel | 325 | YES | Crete? | Probable | 0 | Tel Akko | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 1? "similar to TAH 17 [assigned to south central Crete] (matrix color dissimilar); phyllite, quartzite, quartz; few chert and microfossils" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 45 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, fig.4c and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
316 | 45 | Tel Akko | ʻAkkā; Acre; Ἄκρη | Levant | south, coastal (Haifa area) | Israel | 326 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | 0 | Tel Akko | settlement | TSJ | Fabric 3 (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011) | 45 | Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, and online Appendix | ||||||||||||||
317 | 49 | Deir el-Balah | Dayr al-Balah;Deir al-Balah | Levant | south, coastal | Israel | 327 | YES | Uncertain | "No evidence of Cretan provenance" (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 0 | Deir el-Balah | Tomb | funerary | 14th century BC | TSJ | loner" petrographically (Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: Table 1) | 49 | Dothan & Nahmias-Lotan 2010: fig.7.2.1; Ben-Shlomo et al 2011: 340, Table 1, and online Appendix | ||||||||||||
318 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 328 | MY Z 202 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Petrography would be desirable to confirm provenance, since the inscription includes ]e-ra which (if a place-name) would suggest an association with Central Crete. | MYC01 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; Poros Wall near Tomb of Clytemnestra | settlement? (refuse) | LH IIIB2 | ISJ | A | West Crete | β | ]e-ra , ka-ta-ro | On belly; perhaps three sign groups originally (cf. the Kadmeion ISJs) | 16 | Raison 1968: 144-145, fig.157; Sacconi 1974: 69, pl.I; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||
319 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 329 | MY Z 713 | YES | Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical view, but "chemically resmbles better the Boeotian ranges" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27). If a Boeotian product, it would be one of the few (or the only) ISJ of Mainland manufacture. | MYC03 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; Citadel House, sector Γ 12 | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | ISJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | .a ]ma-pu[; .b ] ka [ | On belly; uncertain arrangement in two registers, but (unlike EL Z 1 from Eleusis) not divided by any 'ruling line'; reading ]ma uncertain; sign ka in .b could be theoretically attached to ma in .a, therefore producing a monogram-like sign(?) | 16 | Raison 1968: 149-150, fig.160; Sacconi 1974: 73, pl.V top; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||||
320 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 330 | MY Z 714 | YES | Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia, but, if Boeotian, it would be one of the few ISJs manufactured on the Mainland. | MYC04 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; Northeast Extension | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB2 | ISJ | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | ]pi-ka [ | On belly | 16 | Raison 1968: 150-151; Sacconi 1974: 74, pl.V bottom; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||||
321 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 331 | MY Z 715 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia chemically, Central Cretan typologically. Few if any ISJs are securely assigned to the Mainland. "Carefully rendered signs" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) suggest familiarity with Linear B, but are inconclusive as to provenance. | MYC05 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; Citadel House, sector Γ 21/22 | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB2 | ISJ | B | XII | Central Crete or Boeotia | ]ra-u-ko[ | On shoulder; plausible reconstruction as ka-]ra-u-ko[ | 16 | Raison 1968: 146-147, fig.161 bis; Sacconi 1974: 75, pl.VI top; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||
322 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 332 | MY Z 717 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia chemically, Central Cretan typologically. Few if any ISJs are securely assigned to the Mainland. | MYC06 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; South House (NW of Cult Centre) | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB2 | ISJ | B | XII | Central Crete or Boeotia | ka-ra-u-ko | On shoulder; -u- not certain reading | 16 | Georgiev 1976; Melena 1977; Aravantinos 1980; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||
323 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 333 | MY Z 716 | YES | Central Crete or Northeast Peloponnese | Probable | Central Crete or Mainland from a chemical viewpoint; petrography assigns it to Central Crete (no ISJs have been securely associated with the Mainland) | MYC07 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; Cyclopean Terrace Building (surface find) | settlement/ administrative | ISJ | Northeast Peloponnese? | TSJ 10 | ]-de[ | On shoulder; Vestigia of unidentified sign to the left. | 16 | Sacconi 1974: 76, pl.VI bottom; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||||
324 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 334 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC08 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, 231, fig.3c, pl.43a; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | |||||||||||
325 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 335 | YES | Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Chemically uncertain; petrography has not been able to resolve the issue. | MYC09 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||||||
326 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 336 | YES | Central Crete or Northeast Peloponnese | Probable | Chemistry suggests Northeast Peloponnese, while petrography suggests Central Crete | MYC10 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | Northeast Peloponnese? | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||||||
327 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 337 | YES | West Crete | Probable | MYC11 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | A | IVa | West Crete | TSJ 2 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | |||||||||
328 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 338 | YES | West Crete or Central Crete | Probable | Petrography, typology (Light-on-Dark decoration) and macroscopic examination of fabric suggest West Crete. Chemistry suggests Central Crete or Boeotia, but this is not very consistent with its other features. | MYC12 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, pl.44d; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | |||||||||
329 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 339 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC13 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | I | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 226; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||||
330 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 340 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC14 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 226; Haskell et al 2011: 142 | ||||||||
331 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 341 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC15 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIa | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232, 233, fig.4a; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 112 | ||||||||
332 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 342 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC16 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232, 233, fig.4b; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 112 | ||||||||
333 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 343 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemically this Central Crete or Boeotia, but considered in Haskell et al (2011: Table 27) as a product of the NE Peloponnese; but double wavy line decoration does not occur in Mainland TSJs. | MYC17 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | B | XIa | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232-234; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 117 | |||||||
334 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 344 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC18 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIa | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 114 | ||||||||
335 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 345 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete; double wacy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | MYC19 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | B | XIa | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232-234; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 113 | |||||||
336 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 346 | MY Z 300 (Raison) | YES | Central or West Crete | Probable | Typological similarity to MYC21 (entry ID no 347), which is Central Cretan. | MYC20 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | TSJ (ISJ uncertain) | B | XIb | West Crete (less confident) | TSJ 14 | Painted potmark? on shoulder | 16 | Raison 1968: 152, fig.161; Haskell 1981: 234, fig.5b, pl.44a; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 112, pl.11a | ||||||
337 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 347 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry suggests Central Crete or Boeotia. | MYC21 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | B | XIb | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 234; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 114 | ||||||||
338 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 348 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry suggests Central Crete or Boeotia. | MYC23 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | B | XIa | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232-234; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 117 | |||||||
339 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 349 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry suggests Central Crete or Boeotia. | MYC24 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | B | XIa | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232-234, fig.5a, pl.43f; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 117 | ||||||||
340 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 350 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC26 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 115 | ||||||||
341 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 351 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC27 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | West Crete | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 113 | |||||||||
342 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 352 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC31 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232, 233, fig.4c; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 111 | ||||||||
343 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 353 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), but petrography supports Cretan provenance. | MYC38 | Mycenae | Tsekoura Test 6, Kiln area | settlement | TSJ | Group X | TSJ 16 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | |||||||||||
344 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 354 | YES | Greek Mainland | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X); petrography is consistent with an assignment to the Argolid. | MYC39 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant, Room 4 | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | Group X | TSJ 19 | 16 | French 1967, 153; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 118 | ||||||||||
345 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 355 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC40 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; Ramp House, fill, corridor E of Megaron | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | TSJ | A | II? | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Wace et al 1921-1923: 81, fig.19A | ||||||||
346 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 356 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC41 | Mycenae | Tomb 505, dromos | funerary | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | French 1965: 163, 167, 169, no.539, fig.4:9 | |||||||||||
347 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 357 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia; deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs. | MYC42 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; Citadel House | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB2 | TSJ | B | XIa | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | |||||||
348 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 358 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia | MYC43 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, 229, fig.2c, pl.42a | ||||||||||
349 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 359 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia | MYC44 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, 229, fig.2d, pl.42b | |||||||||
350 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 360 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), assigned to Rethymnon-East Crete | MYC45 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | Group X | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, 231, fig.3a, pl.42d | |||||||||||
351 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 361 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC46 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ia | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 226, 227, fig.1a, pl.41a | ||||||||
352 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 362 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC47 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 226 | ||||||||
353 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 363 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC48 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 230, 231, fig.3d, pl.43b | |||||||||||
354 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 364 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC49 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | A | IVa | West Crete (less confident) | TSJ 2 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228 | |||||||||
355 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 365 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC50 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | A | IVb | West Crete (less confident) | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 227, 228, fig.1d, pl.41e | |||||||||
356 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 366 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC51 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | West Crete | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, 229, fig.2a, pl.41c | ||||||||||
357 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 367 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia | MYC52 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | B | X | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, 229, fig.2b, pl.41f | ||||||||
358 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 368 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia | MYC53 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, pl.44e | ||||||||||
359 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 369 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia | MYC54 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, pl.42c | |||||||||
360 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 370 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete (octopus decoration is also associated with this region), although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia | MYC55 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228-230, pl.44f | |||||||||
361 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 371 | YES | West Crete | Probable | MYC56 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | West Crete (less confident) | 16 | Haskell 1981: 228, 231, fig.3b, pl.42e | ||||||||||||
362 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 372 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia | MYC57 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | TSJ 11 | 16 | Bennett 1958: 31, fig.37 lower right | ||||||||||
363 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 373 | MY Z <206> | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Petrography assigns to Central Crete, although chemistry assigns to Central Crete or Boeotia | MYC59 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns, Room C | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB2 | ISJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 9 | ]-ro[ | On shoulder; -ro[ not certain reading; traces of unidentified sign to the left. | 16 | Raison 1968: 149, fig.159; Sacconi 1974: 71, pl.III top | |||||||
364 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 374 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC60 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | TSJ | West Crete | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||||
365 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 375 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC61 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | TSJ | A | I | West Crete | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||
366 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 376 | YES | Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), assigned to Rethymnon-East Crete | MYC62 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Group X | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||||
367 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 377 | Unassigned (not reported in Sacconi 2012) | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia chemically. Since no ISJ is securely associated with a Mainland provenance, Central Crete is favored, but petrography would perhaps resolve the issue | MYC63 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ (verification needed) | Central Crete or Boeotia | wa | On belly; sign identification uncertain | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | ||||||||
368 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 378 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically ambiguous (Group X), but petrography assigns to Central Crete | MYC64 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Group X | TSJ 9 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | ||||||||||
369 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 379 | YES | Central Crete or Boeotia | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia chemically. No petrographic analysis. | MYC65 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||||
370 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 380 | YES | Central or West Crete | Probable | Chemically West Cretan, but double deep wavy line decoration suggests Central Crete. | MYC66 | Mycenae | Unknown provenance | TSJ | XIa | 0 | West Crete | TSJ 14 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | ||||||||||
371 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 381 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC72 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | West Crete | 16 | Haskell 1981: 232; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 111, pl.11b | |||||||||
372 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 382 | YES | Northeast Peloponnese | Certain | Typology suggests Mainland provenance. "High Ca contents" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) suggest provenance from Argolid or Corinthia, but it is chemically ambiguous (Group X) | MYC73 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | TSJ | D | 0 | Group X | 16 | Haskell 1981: 233-234, fig.4d, pl.44b; Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 121, pl.12a | |||||||||
373 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 383 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC74 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | West Crete | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 112 | |||||||||
374 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 384 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC76 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ia | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||
375 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 385 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC77 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ia | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||
376 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 386 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC78 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||
377 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 387 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC79 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||
378 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 388 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC80 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||
379 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 389 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC81 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | |||||||||
380 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 390 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC82 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | Ib | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | |||||||||
381 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 391 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC83 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | A | IVa | TSJ 2 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | ||||||||||
382 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 392 | YES | Uncertain | MYC87 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 7 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | |||||||||||||
383 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 393 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC88 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | A | I | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | |||||||||
384 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 394 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC89 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIa | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 114 | |||||||||
385 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 395 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC90 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | |||||||||
386 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 396 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC91 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 115 | |||||||||
387 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 397 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC92 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 116 | |||||||||
388 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 398 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC93 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 117 | |||||||||
389 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 399 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC94 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 116 | |||||||||
390 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 400 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC95 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIb | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 116 | |||||||||
391 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 401 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC96 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 115 | |||||||||
392 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 402 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC97 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 116 | |||||||||
393 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 403 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC98 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 117 | |||||||||
394 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 404 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC99 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 111 | |||||||||
395 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 405 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | MYC100 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | TSJ | TSJ 11 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | ||||||||||||
396 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 406 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC101 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | |||||||||||
397 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 407 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC102 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Wine Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2 | YES | TSJ | TSJ 1 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | |||||||||||
398 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 408 | YES | West Crete | Certain | MYC103 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | TSJ 1 | 16 | Tournavitou 1995: fiche 2, 114 | |||||||||
399 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 409 | YES | Argolid | Probable | MYC104 | Mycenae | House of the Lead Terrace | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2/IIIB1 | TSJ | TSJ 17 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | ||||||||||||
400 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 410 | YES | Argolid | Probable | MYC105 | Mycenae | House of the Lead Terrace | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2/IIIB1 | TSJ | TSJ 17 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | ||||||||||||
401 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 411 | YES | Argolid | Probable | MYC106 | Mycenae | House of the Lead Terrace | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIA2/IIIB1 | TSJ | TSJ 17 | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 145 | ||||||||||||
402 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 412 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 0 | MYC22 (plug of MYC21) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | |||||||||||
403 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 413 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 0 | MYC25 (plug of MYC24) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | |||||||||||
404 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 414 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 1.891 | MYC28 (cap of MYC27) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | |||||||||||
405 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 415 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 0 | MYC29 (cap of MYC31) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | |||||||||||
406 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 416 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | MYC30 (plug of MYC31) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | ||||||||||||
407 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 417 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 0 | MYC32 (cap of MYC16) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 (sealing on cap: Xenaki-Sakellariou 1964: 161) | |||||||||||
408 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 418 | YES | Uncertain | This cap was found to have a very high calcium content, c. 35% CaO (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | MYC33 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | |||||||||||||
409 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 419 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | MYC34 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | ||||||||||||
410 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 420 | YES | Uncertain | This cap was found to have very low Cr and Ca contents (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | MYC35 (cap of MYC19) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell 1981: pl.44g | |||||||||||||
411 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 421 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 0 | MYC36 (plug of MYC19) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell 1981: pl.44g | |||||||||||
412 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 422 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | MYC37 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 143 | ||||||||||||
413 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 423 | YES | Uncertain | This cap was found to have high Cr (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | MYC58 (plug of MYC57) | Mycenae | Inside Citadel; House of the Columns | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||||||
414 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 424 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 0 | MYC67 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||||
415 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 425 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | MYC68 | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | ||||||||||||
416 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 426 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 0 | MYC69 (plug of MYC18) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||||
417 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 427 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | MYC70 (cap of MYC15) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement (administrative) | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | ||||||||||||
418 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 428 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Non-calcareous, low manganese contents, which is also "noted in SJs and pottery at Chania" (Jones and Day apud Haskell et al 2011: 81) | 0 | MYC71 (plug of MYC15) | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; House of the Oil Merchant | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB1 | STOPPER | 16 | Haskell et al 2011: 144 | |||||||||||
419 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 429 | YES | Boeotia | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint; closer to the Boeotian rathern than Central Cretan ranges. Typology suggests association with the Mainland. | TH01 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | D | XVIII | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | TSJ 5 | 20 | Raison 1968: 44, n.168; Haskell et al 2011: 146 | ||||||
420 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 430 | YES | Boeotia | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint; closer to the Boeotian rathern than Central Cretan ranges. Typology suggests association with the Mainland. | TH02 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | D | XVIII | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | TSJ 5 | 20 | Raison 1968: 43-44, n.165, figs.68, 70; Haskell et al 2011: 146 | ||||||
421 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 431 | YES | Boeotia | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint; closer to the Boeotian rathern than Central Cretan ranges. Typology suggests association with the Mainland. | TH03 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | D | XVIII | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | TSJ 5 | 20 | Raison 1968: 44, n.168, figs.69, 71; Haskell et al 2011: 146 | ||||||
422 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 432 | YES | Boeotia | Probable | Central Crete or Boeotia from a chemical viewpoint; closer to the Boeotian rathern than Central Cretan ranges. Typology suggests association with the Mainland. | TH04 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | D | XVIII | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 20 | Keramopoullos 1909: col.98, fig.16; Raison 1968: 44-45, n.168; Haskell et al 2011: 146 | |||||||
423 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 433 | TH Z 839 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH05 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | West Crete | α | ka-u-no , o-du-ru-wi-jo , wa-na-ka-te-ro , | On belly; signs large and arguably calligraphic (a 'monumental' inscription?). Final divider. Ethnic o-du-ru-wi-jo derives from a toponym associated with West Crete at Knossos. wa-na-ka-te-ro suggest some involvement of the ruler (wa-na-ka) in ISJ trade. | 20 | Raison 1968: 108-109, figs.141-144; Sacconi 1974: 121-122, pls.XXIV-XXV top | ||||||
424 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 434 | TH Z 840 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH06 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | III? | West Crete | α | ku-ru-zo | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 112-113, fig.148; Sacconi 1974: 122, pl.XXV bottom | |||||
425 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 435 | TH Z 841 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH07 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | A | III | West Crete | α | ku-ru-zo | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 111, fig.146; Sacconi 1974: 123, pl.XXVI top | ||||
426 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 436 | TH Z 842 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH08 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | IX | West Crete | α | a-do-we | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 103-104, fig.134; Sacconi 1974: 124, pl.XXVI bottom | |||||
427 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 437 | TH Z 843 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH09 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | A | III | West Crete | α | ku-ru[-zo | On shoulder; ku-ru[ is a probable, but uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 114, figs.150-151; Sacconi 1974: 125, pl.XXVII top | ||||
428 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 438 | TH Z 844 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH10 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | A | III | West Crete | α | ku-ja-ni | On shoulder; ku-ja- is a probable, but uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 116-117, fig.154; Sacconi 1974: 126, pl.XXVII bottom | ||||
429 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 439 | TH Z 845 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH11 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | A | III | West Crete | α | ku-ru-zo | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 110, fig.145; Sacconi 1974: 127, pl.XXVIII top | ||||
430 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 440 | TH Z 847 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH12 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | VIII? | West Crete | β | e-[•]-ra | On shoulder; second sign (if a single sign: Raison recorded this as two unidentified signs: e-•-•-ra) unidentifiable. but recently suggested as *83 by Sacconi (2012: 127) | 20 | Raison 1968: 82-83, fig.102; Sacconi 1974: 129, pl.XXIX top | |||||
431 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 441 | TH Z 848 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH13 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | A | III | West Crete | α | ku-ja-ni | On shoulder; ku-ja- is a probable, but uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 115-116, fig.153; Sacconi 1974: 130, pl.XXIX bottom | ||||
432 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 442 | TH Z 849 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH14 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | a-re-zo-me-ne wa-to , re-u-ko-jo | On belly; -zo- and -jo are likely, but uncertain readings. No word divider between first and second sign-groups. | 20 | Raison 1968: 67-68, fig.86; Sacconi 1974: 131, pls.XXX-XXI | ||||||
433 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 443 | TH Z 850 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH15 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | VIII | West Crete | β | e-wa-ko[-ro ] , ka-ma-ti-jo-jo | On belly; perhaps wa-to is to be reconstructed in the lacuna. | 20 | Raison 1968: 71-72, fig.92; Sacconi 1974: 132, pl.XXXII | |||||
434 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 444 | TH Z 851 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH16 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | VIII | West Crete | β | a-re-zo-me-ne wa-to , re-u-ko-jo | On belly; a-re-zo- and -jo are likely, but uncertain readings. No word divider between first and second sign-groups. | 20 | Raison 1968: 68-69, figs.87-88; Sacconi 1974: 133, pls.XXXIII-XXXIV | |||||
435 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 445 | TH Z 852 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH17 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | VIII | West Crete | β | a-re-me-ne wa-to , re-u-ko-jo | On belly; safely reconstructed as a-re<-zo>-me-ne; no word divider between first and second sign-groups. | 20 | Raison 1968: 69-70, fig.89; Sacconi 1974: 134, pls.XXXV-XXXVI | |||||
436 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 446 | TH Z 853 | YES | West Crete | Probable | TH18 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | VIII | West Crete (less confident) | β | e-u-da-mo , wa-to , ri-*82-ta-o | On belly; fine brush and execution | 20 | Raison 1968: 61-63, fig.80; Sacconi 1974: 135, pls.XXXVII-XXXVIII | |||||
437 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 447 | TH Z 854 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH19 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | VIII? | West Crete | β | ]pi-pi , wa-to , su-ro-no | On belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 65, fig.83; Sacconi 1974: 136, pl.XXXIX | |||||
438 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 448 | TH Z 855 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH20 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII | West Crete | β | wo-[•]-da | On belly; second sign unidentifiable | 20 | Raison 1968: 78-79, fig.98; Sacconi 1974: 137, pl.XL top | ||||||
439 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 449 | TH Z 857 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH21 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | IX | West Crete | α | di-no-zo | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 103, fig.133; Sacconi 1974: 139, pl.XLI top | |||||
440 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 450 | TH Z 858 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH22 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | IX | West Crete | α | di-no-zo | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 102, fig.132; Sacconi 1974: 140, pl.XLI bottom | |||||
441 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 451 | TH Z 859 (Raison) | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Typology compatible with Central Crete. | TH23 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | B | XIII? | Central Crete or Boeotia | Painted potmark? on belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 92, fig.113 | ||||||
442 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 452 | TH Z 860 (Raison) | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Macroscopic examination of fabric and typology compatible with Central Crete. | TH24 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | B | Central Crete or Boeotia | Flaking fabric, described as "similar to fabric seen at Knossos" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | Painted potmark? on belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 90-91, fig.110 | ||||||
443 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 453 | TH Z 861 (Raison) | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Typology compatible with Central Crete. | TH25 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | B | XIII | Central Crete or Boeotia | Painted potmark? on belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 91-92, fig.112 | ||||||
444 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 454 | TH Z 862 (Raison) | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Typology compatible with Central Crete. | TH26 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | B | XIII | Central Crete or Boeotia | Painted potmark? on belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 92-93, fig.114 | ||||||
445 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 455 | TH Z 863 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH27 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | IX | West Crete | α | TSJ 1 | a-nu-to | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 104-106, figs.135-136; Sacconi 1974: 141, pl.XLII top | ||||
446 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 456 | TH Z 864 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH28 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | IX | West Crete | α | a-nu-to | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 106, fig.137-138; Sacconi 1974: 142, pl.XLII bottom | |||||
447 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 457 | TH Z 865 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH29 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | IX | West Crete | α | a-nu-to | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 106-107, fig.139; Sacconi 1974: 143, pl.XLIII top | |||||
448 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 458 | TH Z 866 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | TH30 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | B | XIV | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | i-ru | On shoulder; Uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 89, fig.108; Sacconi 1974: 144, pl.XLIII bottom | ||||
449 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 459 | TH Z 867 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs; petrography confirms assignment to Central Crete | TH31 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | B | XIV | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 8 | i-ru | On shoulder; Uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 88-89, figs.33, 107; Sacconi 1974: 144, pl.XLIV top | |||
450 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 460 | ΤΗ Ζ 868 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line decoration does not occur on Mainland TSJs | TH32 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | B | XIV | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | ru-i | On belly; Uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 90, fig.109; Sacconi 1974: 145, pl.XLIV bottom | ||||
451 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 461 | ΤΗ Ζ 869 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH33 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | XIX | West Crete | α | ta-de-so | On shoulder; safely reconstructed as ta<-*22>-de-so | 20 | Raison 1968: 100-101, figs.127-128; Sacconi 1974: 146, pl.XLV top | |||||
452 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 462 | ΤΗ Ζ 870 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH34 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | XIX | West Crete | α | ta-*22]-de-so | On shoulder; reconstruction considered safe | 20 | Raison 1968: 99-100, fig.126; Sacconi 1974: 147, pl.XLV bottom | |||||
453 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 463 | ΤΗ Ζ 871 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH35 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | XIX? | West Crete | α | ta-*22-de-so | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 98, fig.124; Sacconi 1974: 148, pl.XLVI top | |||||
454 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 464 | ΤΗ Ζ 872 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH36 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | XIX | West Crete | β | ta-]*22-de-so | On shoulder; ]*22- is an uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 98-99, fig.125; Sacconi 1974: 149, pl.XLVI bottom | |||||
455 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 465 | ΤΗ Ζ 873 (Raison) | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH37 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | XV | West Crete | β | Painted potmark? on belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 93-95, fig.114 right | |||||||
456 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 466 | ΤΗ Ζ 875 (Raison) | YES | Uncertain | Chemically ambiguous (Group X). Chemically "appears to fall closer to the Peloponnese ranges than those for Crete" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | TH38 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | XV | Group X | Painted potmark? on belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 95-96, fig.115 left | ||||||||
457 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 467 | ΤΗ Ζ 876 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH39 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | XIX? | West Crete | α | ta-*22-de-so | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 97, fig.123; Sacconi 1974: 150, pl.XLVII top | |||||
458 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 468 | ΤΗ Ζ 877 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH40 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | ti-tu[ | On belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 77-78, fig.97; Sacconi 1974: 151, pl.XLVII bottom | ||||||
459 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 469 | ΤΗ Ζ 878 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH41 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | wa-]to , su[-ro-]no[ | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 65-66, fig.84; Sacconi 1974: 152, pl.XLVIII top | ||||||
460 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 470 | ΤΗ Ζ 879 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH42 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | III? | West Crete | α | ku-]ru-zo | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 112-113, fig.149; Sacconi 1974: 153, pl.XLVIII bottom | |||||
461 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 471 | ΤΗ Ζ 880 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH43 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | ]ni-jo-jo[ | On belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 75, fig.93; Sacconi 1974: 154, pl.XLIX top | ||||||
462 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 472 | ΤΗ Ζ 881 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH44 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | III? | West Crete | α | ]ni | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 117, fig.152; Sacconi 1974: 155, pl.XLIX bottom | |||||
463 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 473 | ΤΗ Ζ 882 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH45 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | ]-ne[ wa-]to[ ] re-u-ko-jo | On belly; ]re- is uncertain | 20 | Raison 1968: 70, fig.90; Sacconi 1974: 156, pl.L top | ||||||
464 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 474 | ΤΗ Ζ 883 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH46 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | e-wa-ko[-ro | On belly (fragments) | 20 | Raison 1968: 72, fig.91; Sacconi 1974: 157, pl.L bottom | ||||||
465 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 475 | TH Z 884α | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH47 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | e-wa]-ko-ro | On belly (fragments)? | 20 | Raison 1968: 72-73, fig.91; Sacconi 1974: 158, pl.LI top | ||||||
466 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 476 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Macroscopic inspection of fabric suggests Central Crete, but decoration of floral pattern on shoulder is similar to Typegroup XXII TSJs from Zygouries (considered NE Peloponnesian) | TH49 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 43, n.164, figs.66, 119-120; Dakouri-Hild 2001: 119-120, no.1, fig.27; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | ||||||||||
467 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 477 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH50 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | A | XIX? | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: 97; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||||
468 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 478 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH51 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: fig.23; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||||||
469 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 479 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH52 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | A | IX | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: 101-102; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||||
470 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 480 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line and octopus decoration not associated with Mainland TSJs, but suggestive of Central Cretan provenance | TH53 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | XVI | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 38-39, n.143, fig.50; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||
471 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 481 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line decoration not associated with Mainland TSJs. | TH54 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | XVI | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 40-41, n.150, fig.45; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||
472 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 482 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line and octopus decoration not associated with Mainland TSJs, but suggestive of Central Cretan provenance | TH55 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | XVI | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 40, n.147, fig.56; Dakouri-Hild 2001: 110-120, no.4, fig.29; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||
473 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 483 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line and octopus decoration not associated with Mainland TSJs, but suggestive of Central Cretan provenance | TH56 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | XVI? | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | TSJ 13 | 20 | Raison 1968: 39, n.144, fig.52; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | ||||||
474 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 484 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line and octopus decoration not associated with Mainland TSJs, but suggestive of Central Cretan provenance | TH57 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | XVI | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 39, n.144, fig.49; Dakouri-Hild 2001: 119-120, no.5, fig.30; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||
475 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 485 | YES | Uncertain | Chemically ambiguous (Group X) | TH58 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Group X | 20 | Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||||||
476 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 486 | YES | Greek Mainland | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian, but closer to the Boeotian ranges. | TH59 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Haskell et al 2011: 148 | ||||||||||
477 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 487 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH60 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | A | IX | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: 101, figs.130-131; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||||
478 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 488 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian, but closer to the Central Cretan ranges. Deep wavy line decoration suggestive of Central Cretan provenance. | TH61 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 87, fig.61; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | ||||||||
479 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 489 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line and octopus decoration is not associated with Mainland TSJs, but suggestive of Central Cretan provenance | TH62 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | XVI | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 20 | Raison 1968: 39, n.144, fig.48; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | |||||||
480 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 490 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian, but closer to the Boeotian ranges of the spectrum. Typology suggests Central Crete though. | TH63 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | XIII? | Central Crete or Boeotia (less confident) | 20 | Raison 1968: 91, figs.19, 111; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | ||||||||
481 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 491 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line and octopus decoration is not associated with Mainland TSJs, but suggestive of Central Cretan provenance | TH64 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 39, n.146, fig.51; Haskell et al 2011: 148 | ||||||||
482 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 492 | YES | Unknown | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian | TH65 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 215, n.15, fig.185; Haskell et al 2011: 148-149 | |||||||||||
483 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 493 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH66 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | A | IX | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: 101, fig.129; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | |||||||||
484 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 494 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian, but closer to the Central Cretan ranges. Typology suggests Central Cretan provenance | TH67 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 42, n.159, fig.62-63; Dakouri-Hild 2001: 121-122, no.7, fig.31; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | |||||||||
485 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 495 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line and octopus decoration is not associated with Mainland TSJs, but suggestive of Central Cretan provenance | TH68 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 40, n.148, figs.24, 53; Dakouri-Hild 2001: 120, 122, no.8, fig.32; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | ||||||||
486 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 496 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian. Deep wavy line and octopus decoration is not associated with Mainland TSJs, but suggestive of Central Cretan provenance | TH69 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 41, n.151, fig.59; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | ||||||||
487 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 497 | YES | West Crete | Probable | Chemically West Cretan. However, deep wavy line decoration in a narrow zone is not typical of West Cretan TSJs (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | TH70 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | 0 | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: 33, n.120, fig.34; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | |||||||||
488 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 498 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH71 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: 23-24, n.112, fig.28; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | ||||||||
489 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 499 | YES | Unknown | TH72 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | TSJ | A | IIc | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: 24, n.112, fig.29; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | |||||||||
490 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 500 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian; "macroscopically consistent with Central Crete" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | TH73 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Catling & Millett 1965: 47-48, pl.XIVb; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | ||||||||
491 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 501 | YES | Unknown | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian | TH74 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Raison 1968: 44, n.167, figs.65, 117-118; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | |||||||||
492 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 502 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian, but closer to Central Cretan than Boeotian ranges | TH75 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Haskell et al 2011: 149 | ||||||||||
493 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 503 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH76 | Thebes | House of Kadmos | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | TSJ | West Crete | 20 | Raison 1968: 24, n.112; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | ||||||||||
494 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 504 | TH Z 958 | YES | West Crete | Probable | TH77 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete (less confindent) | β | ]e[ | On shoulder | 20 | Raison 1968: 83, fig.103; Sacconi 1974: 161, pl.LII upper left | ||||||
495 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 505 | TH Z 960 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH78 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | III? | West Crete | α | 1 | ku-]ru-zo | On shoulder; ]ru- is uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 115, fig.140; Sacconi 1974: 162, pl.LII bottom | ||||
496 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 506 | TH Z 961 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH79 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | IX? | West Crete | α | 1 | a-]nu-to | On shoulder; ]nu- is uncertain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 107-108, fig.140; Sacconi 1974: 162, pl.LIII top | |||||
497 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 507 | TH Z 962 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH80 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | ]jo | On belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 75-76, fig.94; Sacconi 1974: 163, pl.LIII bottom | ||||||
498 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 508 | TH Z 963 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH81 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | 1 | ]jo[ | On belly; sign identification not absolutely certain | 20 | Raison 1968: 76, fig.95; Sacconi 1974: 163, pl.LIV | |||||
499 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 509 | TH Z 964 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH82 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | 1 | ]tu[ ]jo[ | On belly? | 20 | Raison 1968: 77, fig.96; Sacconi 1974: 164, pl.LV top | |||||
500 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 510 | TH Z 966 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH83 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | ] wa-wo[ | On shoulder; neither sign is a certain reading | 20 | Raison 1968: 83-84, fig.105; Sacconi 1974: 165, pl.LV bottom right | ||||||
501 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 511 | TH Z 967 (Raison) | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH84 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ? | VIII? | West Crete | β | 1 | Perhaps on belly; the sign is interpreted as Linear B syllabogram (AB 08 or AB 54) or potmark by Raison (1968:80), but dismissed as a painted potmark by Sacconi (1974: 227) | 20 | Raison 1968: 80, fig.100; Sacconi 1974: 227. | ||||||
502 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 512 | TH Z 968 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH85 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | ]wi-[•]-wa[ | Perhaps on belly; none of the signs is certainly identified | 20 | Raison 1968: 79-80, fig.99; Sacconi 1974: 165, pl.LVI top | ||||||
503 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 513 | TH Z 969 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH86 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | 1 | ]pi-[ | On belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 66, fig.85; Sacconi 1974: 116, pl.LVI bottom | |||||
504 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 514 | TH Z 971 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH88 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | ]ku-ja-ni[ | On belly? none of the signs is certainly identified | 20 | Raison 1968: 80-82, fig.101; Sacconi 1974: 167, pl.LVII bottom | ||||||
505 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 515 | TH Z 972α* | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH89 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | VIII? | West Crete | β | ]vestigia[ | On belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 86-87, fig.106; Sacconi 1974: 167, pl.LVIII top | ||||||
506 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 516 | TH Z 973 (Raison) | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian, but if an ISJ, Mainland assignment appears less probable. | TH90 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ? | VIII? | Central Crete or Boeotia | Uncertain location of sign; Raison (1968: 84) is uncertain whether this is a painted potmark or a Linear B sign AB 77 (ka), but Sacconi (1974: 233) dismisses this as a potmark | 20 | Raison 1968: 84-85, fig.104; Sacconi 1974: 233 | |||||||
507 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 517 | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian, but chemically closer to the Boeotian ranges; deep wavy line and octopus decoration, however, suggests Central Cretan provenance. | TH91 | Thebes | Tseva street (rescue excavation) | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | TSJ | B | 0 | Central Crete or Boeotia | 20 | Demakopoulou 1975: 131, pl.76ζ; Catling 1983-1984, 33, fig.51; Haskell et al 2011: 149 | ||||||||
508 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 518 | TH Z 846 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TH92 | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | VIII | West Crete | pi-pi , wa-to , su-ro-no | On belly | 20 | Raison 1968: 63-65, fig.82; Sacconi 1974: 128, pl.XXVIII bottom | ||||||
509 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 519 | TI Z 1 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI01 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | V | West Crete | β | u-pa-ta-ro | On shoulder | 21 | Raison 1968: 162, fig.162; Sacconi 1974: 77, pl.VII top | ||||||
510 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 520 | TI Z 11 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI02 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]no-di-zo[ | On belly | 21 | Raison 1968: 169-170, fig.170 left; Sacconi 1974: 86, pl.XII top | ||||||||
511 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 521 | TI Z 19 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI03 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]no[ | On belly? | 21 | Raison 1968: 174, fig.174b; Sacconi 1974: 92, pl.XV lower right | ||||||||
512 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 522 | TI Z 24 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI04 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | IX? | West Crete | α | a-do-we[ | On shoulder; -do- and -we[ are not certain readings | 21 | Raison 1968: 176-177, fig.175; Sacconi 1974: 95, pl.XVI top | ||||||
513 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 523 | TI Z 34 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI05 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]u-no[ | On shoulder; -no[ is not a certain reading | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 103, pl.XIX right middle | ||||||||
514 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 524 | TI Z 36 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI06 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]u | Uncertain location of inscription (fragment); ]u not a certain reading | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 104, pl.XIX bottom | ||||||||
515 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 525 | TI Z 39 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI07 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]ru[ | On shoulder; ]ru[ is not a certain reading | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 106, pl.XX upper right | |||||||
516 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 526 | TI Z <37> | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI08 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]no[ | On shoulder; ]no[ is not a certain reading | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 105, pl.XX upper left | ||||||||
517 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 527 | TI Z <25> | YES | Central Crete | Probable | Chemically is Central Cretan or Boeotian, but ISJs are never certainly associated with the Mainland. | TI09 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | Central Crete or Boeotia | ]a-do-we[ | On shoulder; ]a- not very well identified (although contextually certain) | 21 | Raison 1968: 177-178, fig.174m; Sacconi 1974: 96, pl.XVI bottom | ||||||||
518 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 528 | TI Z 4 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI10 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | A | V | West Crete | β | ]u-pa-ta[-ro | On shoulder; reconstruction certain (cf. TI Z 1) | 21 | Raison 1968: 164, fig.174a; Sacconi 1974: 80, pl.VIII upper right | ||||||
519 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 529 | TI Z 18 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI11 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]no[ | On belly | 21 | Raison 1968: 173, fig.174c; Sacconi 1974: 92, pl.XV upper left | ||||||||
520 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 530 | TI Z 17 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI12 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]no[ | On belly | 21 | Raison 1968: 173, fig.174i; Sacconi 1974: 91, pl.XIV lower right | ||||||||
521 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 531 | TI Z 31* | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI13 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | vestigia | On shoulder; no certain sign identifications possible | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 101, pl.XIX upper left | |||||||||
522 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 532 | TI Z >15< | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI14 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | no-di[-zo | On belly; -di[ not a certain reading; reconstruction nonetheless possible (cf. TI Z 11) | 21 | Raison 1968: 172, fig.173; Sacconi 1974: 90, pl.XIV top | ||||||||
523 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 533 | TI Z 6 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI16 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | β | a3-ta-[ | On shoulder; -ta-[ is not a certain reading | 21 | Raison 1968: 165, fig.166; Sacconi 1974: 82, pl.IX top | ||||||||
524 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 534 | TI Z <21> | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI17 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]no[ | On belly | 21 | Raison 1968: 174-175, fig.174n; Sacconi 1974: 93, pl.XV middle right | ||||||||
525 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 535 | TI Z 53 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI18 | Tiryns | Lower Town (LXI 41/15 XIVa G61) | settlement | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | β | ]de[ | On shoulder; sign identification not certain | 21 | Godart, Killen & Olivier 1979: 457-458, fig.3 | ||||||||
526 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 536 | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI19 | Tiryns | Lower Town (LXI 41/24 XIVa 14.11) | settlement | LH IIIB | YES | TSJ | II | West Crete | Painted cross or X (Light-on-Dark) on true spout | 21 | Catling et al 1980: 104, fig.7; Podzuweit 1981: 196, 199, fig.48:9 | |||||||||
527 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 537 | TI Z 30 + fr. | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI20 | Tiryns | Lower Town (chance 1972 find, but joining? fragment came from Schäfer excavations 1968 near House 3) | surface find | LH IIIB | ISJ | West Crete | α | ]qi-ne-u | On disk (painted); ]qi- proposed by Melena (1982) and more likely than the alternative ]du- | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 100, pl.XVIII bottom; Dohl 1979: 66-69, fig.10; Avila 1980: 51, no.437, pl.27:437; Melena 1982 | ||||||||
528 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 538 | TI Z <49> | YES | West Crete | Certain | TI15 | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | MIV | West Crete | α | ]ja-ti[ | On belly (type of vase is not possible to determine with certainty); neither sign is a certain reading | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 108 | |||||||
529 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 539 | KH Z 23 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH23 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, central dump, middle layer | settlement | LM IIIB2 | MIV | West Crete | α | Clay and fabric very similar to KH Z 24 | ]ti-da-to[ | On body (cup); -to[ not a certain reading | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417, pl.274 | ||||||
530 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 540 | KH Z 24 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH24 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Rubbish Area North, central dump, middle layer | settlement | LM IIIB2 | MIV | West Crete | α | Clay and fabric very similar to KH Z 23 | ]ka-ka[ | On body (cup); repetition of encircled cross (identification as the AB 77 sign is dubious) might indicate a pseudo-inscription | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417, pl.274 | ||||||
531 | 4 | Khania | Chania/ Kydonia/ Χανιά/ Κυδωνία | Kudonia (Linear B spelling: ku-do-ni-ja) | Crete | West | Greece | 541 | KH Z 25 | YES | West Crete | Certain | KH25 | Khania | Kastelli hill, Space P, related deposits | settlement | LM IIIB2? | MIV | West Crete | β | je | On body (bowl); identification of the sign as a Linear B grapheme not absolutely certain | 4 | Hallager 2011: 417, pl.274 | |||||||
532 | 5 | Knossos | Knossus/ Cnossus/ Cnossos/ Κνωσός/ Κνωσσός | Knosos (Linear B spelling ko-no-so) | Crete | North-Central | Greece | 542 | KN Z 1715 | YES | Central Crete | Certain | Chemically Central Cretan or Boeotian, but most likely of Knossian manufacture (Boeotian imports at Knossos in LM IIIB have not been identified with certainty) | KN01 | Knossos | Palace, East Wing: Court of the Distaffs | settlement/ central administrative | LM IIIB | MIV | Central Crete | [•]-*89-a | On body (bowl); first sign is perhaps an AB 08 corrected into an AB 57 |
5 | Raison 1968: 183-190, fig.182-184; Sacconi 1974: 177, pl.LX top | |||||||
533 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 543 | MY Z 712 (MY Z 710 Raison) | YES | Argolid | Probable | "Probably local" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | MYC02 | Mycenae | Inside Citadel: North Cyclopean Wall, Room TC | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | MIV | "Probably local" (Haskell et al 2011: Table 27) | pi-ra-ki | On body of cup; if a personal name, the fact that it occurs again on a Mycenae tablet (MY Au 657.5) reinforces its assignment to local production | 16 | Raison 1968: 153-154; Sacconi 1974: 72, pl.IV bottom | ||||||||
534 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 544 | MY Z 203 | NO | Mycenae | Outside Citadel; Poros Wall near Tomb of Clytemnestra | settlement (refuse) | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]-ni-[ | On shoulder | 16 | Raison 1968: 147, fig.158; Sacconi 1974: 70, pl. II top | |||||||||||||
535 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 545 | MY Z 205 | NO | Mycenae | Unknown | LH IIIB? | ISJ | ]ja-no[ | On belly (body sherd); sign identifications uncertain | 16 | Raison 1968: 148, fig.159; Sacconi 1974: 70, pl. II bottom | ||||||||||||||
536 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 546 | MY Z 207 | NO | Mycenae | Unknown | LH IIIB | MIV | pi[ | On body (type of vase unidentifiable); sign not certainly identified, perhaps ti[ or zo[ are also possible. | 16 | Raison 1968: 154-155, fig.159; Sacconi 1974: 71, pl. III bottom | ||||||||||||||
537 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 547 | MY Z 664 | NO | Mycenae | Outside Citadel: West House, room 5 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]-ka-mo | On belly; Sacconi comments that ]ja-ka-mo would not be impossible, but traces of ]ja- are not certain (therefore underdotted in any official transcription) | 16 | Raison 1968: 145-146; Sacconi 1974: 70, pl. IV top | |||||||||||||
538 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 548 | TI Z <2> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | u-pa-ta-ro | On shoulder | 21 | Raison 1968: 163, fig.163; Sacconi 1974: 78, pl.VII bottom | |||||||||||||
539 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 549 | TI Z <3> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]u-pa-ta-ro | On shoulder; ]u- not safely discernible, but reading certain (cf. TI Z 1, <2>) | 21 | Raison 1968: 163-164, fig.164; Sacconi 1974: 79, pl.VIII top left | |||||||||||||
540 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 550 | TI Z 5 | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | u-pa-[ta-ro | On shoulder; reconstruction safe (cf. TI Z 1, <2>, <3>, 4) | 21 | Raison 1968: 164, fig.165; Sacconi 1974: 81, pl. VIII bottom | |||||||||||||
541 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 551 | TI Z <7> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | a-ta-ma-no-we[ | On shoulder | 21 | Raison 1968: 165-166, fig.167; Sacconi 1974: 83, pl. IX bottom | |||||||||||||
542 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 552 | TI Z >8+26< | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | a-nu[-to | On shoulder; reconstruction relatively safe (cf. TH Z 863, 864, 865) | 21 | Raison 1968: 166-167, fig.174d, 178, fig.176; Sacconi 1974: 84, pl.X | |||||||||||||
543 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 553 | TI Z 9 | NO | Tiryns | Prophitie Elias cemetery; chamber tomb XV | funerary | LH IIIB | ISJ | a-ma-ti | On shoulder; signs small and painted with relatively large strokes | 21 | Raison 1968: 167-168, fig.168; Sacconi 1974: 85, pl.XI | |||||||||||||
544 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 554 | TI Z <12> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]no-di-zo[ | On shoulder; ]no- is not certainly identified, but the reconstruction is safe (cf. TI Z 11 etc) | 21 | Raison 1968: 170, fig.170; Sacconi 1974: 87, pl.XII bottom | |||||||||||||
545 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 555 | TI Z <13> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | no-di[-zo | On belly perhaps; -di[ is not a certain reading; perhaps also no-di[-zo nonetheless (cf. TI Z 11 etc) | 21 | Raison 1968: 170-171, fig.171; Sacconi 1974: 88, pl.XIII top | |||||||||||||
546 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 556 | TI Z <14> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ] no-di[-zo | On belly perhaps; -di[ is not a certain reading; perhaps also no-di[-zo nonetheless (cf. TI Z 11 etc) | 21 | Raison 1968: 171, fig.172; Sacconi 1974: 89, pl.XIII bottom | |||||||||||||
547 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 557 | TI Z 16 | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]no-di-zo[ | On belly perhaps; none of the signs is a certain reading, but the overall reading remains plausible (cf. TI Z 11 etc) | 21 | Raison 1968: 172, fig.174k; Sacconi 1974: 91, pl.XIV bottom right | |||||||||||||
548 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 558 | TI Z <20> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]no[ | On belly perhaps | 21 | Raison 1968: 174, fig.174f; Sacconi 1974: 93, pl.XV top right | |||||||||||||
549 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 559 | TI Z <22> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ] no[ | On belly perhaps | 21 | Raison 1968: 175, fig.174e; Sacconi 1974: 94, pl.XV bottom left | |||||||||||||
550 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 560 | TI Z <23> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]di-zo [ | On belly perhaps; both signs are uncertainly identified | 21 | Raison 1968: 175-176, fig.174g; Sacconi 1974: 94, pl.XV bottom left | |||||||||||||
551 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 561 | TI Z 27 | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | *56-ko-we | On shoulder; palaeographically, we have an interesting variant of AB 75 |
21 | Raison 1968: 179-180, fig.177; Sacconi 1974: 97, pl.XVII top | ||||||||||||
552 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 562 | TI Z 28 | NO | Tiryns | Near external West wall of the Citadel (επίχωσις) Verdelis excavation 1957 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | MIV | a[ | On body of deep bowl with antithetical spiral pattern. There is an uncertain vest. to the right, so perhaps a-[; it is unlikely that there was any other Linear B sign to the left. | 21 | Raison 1968: 180, fig.178; Sacconi 1974: 98, pl.XVII bottom | |||||||||||||
553 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 563 | TI Z 29 | NO | Tiryns | Lower Town; West Sector PQu LI-53 (Gercke excavations 1972) | settlement | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]-ri-jo , wa-na-ka[ | On belly; ]-ri- and -ka[ are not definite readings, although they are almost certain. A most plausible reconstruction is si-ra]-ri-jo , wa-na-ka[-te-ro with a structure paralleled on TH Z 839. | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 99, pl.XVIII top | |||||||||||||
554 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 564 | TI Z <32> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]-no[ | On shoulder probably; sign identification very uncertain | 21 | Raison 1968: 178, fig.174l; Sacconi 1974: 102, pl.XIX top right | |||||||||||||
555 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 565 | TI Z <33>* | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | On belly perhaps; signs not identifiable | 21 | Raison 1968: 178, fig.174r; Sacconi 1974: 102, pl.XIX middle left | |||||||||||||
556 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 566 | TI Z <35> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]u-pa-ta[ | On shoulder; sign identifications are quite doubtful, but, overall, a reconstruction ]u-pa-ta[-ro is possible. | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 101 | |||||||||||||
557 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 567 | TI Z <38> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | ]ja-ti-ko[ | Uncertain location (upper part of body or shoulder?); none of the signs is certainly identified | 21 | Raison 1968: 179-180, fig.174p; Sacconi 1974: 105, pl.XX middle left | ||||||||||||
558 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 568 | TI Z <41> | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | ]*56[ | On shoulder perhaps; | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 106 | ||||||||||||
559 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 569 | TI Z <43>* | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | On shoulder perhaps; | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 107 | ||||||||||||
560 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 570 | TI Z 48* | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | On shoulder perhaps; | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 107 | ||||||||||||
561 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 571 | TI Z 50 | NO | Tiryns | Citadel (sector XLII, West Staircase) D.A.I. excavations 1909-1910 | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | On shoulder perhaps; | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 108 | ||||||||||||
562 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 572 | TI Z 52 | NO | Tiryns | Lower Town: Sector II/1 (Schäfer excavations 1968) | settlement | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]ri | Ring-base of a bowl; sign identification quite doubtful | 21 | Sacconi 1974: 109, pl.XX bottom | |||||||||||||
563 | 24 | Kreusis | Λιβαδόστρα/ Livadostra | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 573 | KR Z 1 | NO | Kreusis | settlement? | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]a3-a3-ta | On belly; none of the sign identifications is quite certain, although the ]a3-a3- sequence is very possible. Nonetheless, the a3-a3 sequence is highly uncommon phonetically, and could indicate that this is not a real inscription | 24 | Spyropoulos 1969: 185-186, pl.193β; Sacconi 1972a; Sacconi 1974: 117, pl.XXII | ||||||||||||||
564 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 574 | TH Z 856 | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | ku-ru-zo | On upper part of the body | 20 | Raison 1968: 111-112, fig.147; Sacconi 1974: 138, pl.XL bottom | |||||||||||
565 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 575 | TH Z 884β | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]ti[ | On belly perhaps; reading doubtful, ]pi[ or ]zo[ are also possible | 20 | Raison 1968: 74, fig.91; Sacconi 1974: 159, pl.LI top | ||||||||||||
566 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 576 | TH Z 884γ | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]re-[ | On belly perhaps; reading doubtful, ]ko-[ is also possible | 20 | Raison 1968: 74, fig.91; Sacconi 1974: 159, pl.LI top | ||||||||||||
567 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 577 | TH Z 884δ | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]-jo[ | Location uncertain | 20 | Raison 1968: 74, fig.91; Sacconi 1974: 160, pl.LI top | ||||||||||||
568 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 578 | ΤΗ Ζ <957> | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]o | On belly (upper part) | 20 | Raison 1968: 63, fig.81; Sacconi 1974: 160, pl.LI bottom | ||||||||||||
569 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 579 | ΤΗ Ζ 959 | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | YES | ISJ | ku[-ru-zo | On shoulder; reconstruction plausible (cf. TH Z 840 etc) | 20 | Raison 1968: 114-115, fig.140; Sacconi 1974: 164, pl.LII top right | |||||||||||
570 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 580 | ΤΗ Ζ <965> | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]a[ | Uncertain location; reading highly doubtful: signs with a tall vertical stalk, such as ]to[ or ]do[ are just as possible | 20 | Raison 1968: 104-105, fig.106; Sacconi 1974: 164, pl.LV bottom left | ||||||||||||
571 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 581 | ΤΗ Ζ 970 | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]-da[ | Uncertain location; reading not certain, but plausible | 20 | Raison 1968: 84-85, fig.103; Sacconi 1974: 166, pl.LVII top right | ||||||||||||
572 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 582 | ΤΗ Ζ 972β* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106β; Sacconi 1974: 168, pl.LVIII top | |||||||||||||
573 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 583 | ΤΗ Ζ 972γ* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106γ; Sacconi 1974: 168, pl.LVIII top | |||||||||||||
574 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 584 | ΤΗ Ζ <972δ>* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106δ; Sacconi 1974: 169, pl.LVIII bottom | |||||||||||||
575 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 585 | ΤΗ Ζ <972ε>* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106ε; Sacconi 1974: 169, pl.LVIII bottom | |||||||||||||
576 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 586 | ΤΗ Ζ <972ζ>* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106ζ; Sacconi 1974: 170, pl.LVIII bottom | |||||||||||||
577 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 587 | ΤΗ Ζ <972η>* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106η; Sacconi 1974: 170, pl.LVIII bottom | |||||||||||||
578 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 588 | ΤΗ Ζ <972θ>* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106θ; Sacconi 1974: 171, pl.LVIII bottom | |||||||||||||
579 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 589 | ΤΗ Ζ <972ι>* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106ι; Sacconi 1974: 171, pl.LVIII bottom | |||||||||||||
580 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 590 | ΤΗ Ζ <972κ>* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106κ; Sacconi 1974: 172, pl.LVIII bottom | |||||||||||||
581 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 591 | ΤΗ Ζ <972λ>* | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | 20 | Raison 1968: 85, fig.106λ; Sacconi 1974: 172, pl.LVIII bottom | |||||||||||||
582 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 592 | ΤΗ Ζ 975 | NO | Thebes | Kadmeia: Dourou plot (Spyropoulos excavations 1968) | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]o-na-ta[ | On shoulder; ]o- not well preserved and identified with only a degree of probability | 20 | Sacconi 1972b; Sacconi 1974: 173, pl.LIX | ||||||||||||
583 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 593 | ΤΗ Ζ 976 | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]ja[ | Location uncertain (perhaps belly?) | 20 | Aravantinos et al 2014: 19, fig.1a-b | ||||||||||||
584 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 594 | ΤΗ Ζ 977 | NO | Thebes | House of Kadmos, Corridor Δ | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]wa[ | Location uncertain (perhaps belly?); sign identification not certain | 20 | Aravantinos et al 2014: 19, fig.2a-b | ||||||||||||
585 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 595 | TH Z 978 | NO | Thebes | Kadmeia: Soteriou-Dokegou plot (Spyropoulos excavations 1971) | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]vestigia[ | Location uncertain (perhaps shoulder?); sign non-identifiable | 20 | Aravantinos et al 2014: 20, fig.3a-b | ||||||||||||
586 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 596 | TH Z 979 | NO | Thebes | Kadmeia: Soteriou-Dokegou plot (Spyropoulos excavations 1971) | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]ka[ | Location uncertain (perhaps belly?) | 20 | Aravantinos et al 2014: 20, fig.4a-b | ||||||||||||
587 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 597 | TH Z 980 | NO | Thebes | Kadmeia: Soteriou-Dokegou plot (Spyropoulos excavations 1971) | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ko[ | Location uncertain (perhaps shoulder?) | 20 | Aravantinos et al 2014: 21, fig.5a-b | ||||||||||||
588 | 20 | Thebes | Θήβαι/ Tebe/ Thèbes | Thēgwai (Linear B spelling *te-qa) | Greek Mainland | Boeotia | Greece | 598 | TH Z 981 | NO | Thebes | Kadmeia: Soteriou-Dokegou plot (Spyropoulos excavations 1971) | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB | ISJ | ]du-ru[ | Location uncertain (perhaps belly?); ]du-ru[ recalls o-du-ru-wi-jo on TH Z 839; Aravantinos et al (2014: 21) note palaeographic similarity in the execution of AB 26 |
20 | Aravantinos et al 2014: 21, fig.6a-b | ||||||||||||
589 | 16 | Mycenae | Mykenai/ Mykene/ Μυκήναι/ Μυκήνες/ Mycènes/ Micene | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 599 | MY Z 718 | NO | Mycenae | Petsas House: Room Π | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIA2 | ISJ | ]pa-ti-jo-ro | On shoulder | 16 | Iakovidis, Godart & Sacconi 2012: 48, 56-57 | |||||||||||||
590 | 21 | Tiryns | Tirynthe/ Tirinto/ Τίρυνς/ Τίρυνθα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 600 | TI Z 54 | NO | Tiryns | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB? | ISJ | ]a[ | 21 | Olivier 1992: 449 | |||||||||||||||
591 | 23 | Midea | Μιδέα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 601 | MI Z 2 | NO | Midea | Citadel ("undisturbed Mycenaean deposit next to the fortification wall") | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB2 | ISJ | ]-zo | On shoulder; reading plausible (association with no-di-zo is speculated), but ]-ti or ]-pi are also possible | 23 | Demakopoulou & Divari-Valakou 1994-1995: 323-324, pl.IA | |||||||||||||
592 | 23 | Midea | Μιδέα | Greek Mainland | Argolid (NE Peloponnese) | Greece | 602 | MI Z 4 | NO | Midea | Citadel: Basement Rooms VIb and VII (reconstructed from numerous fragments scattered over both rooms, suggesting that it fell from above) | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB2 | ISJ | wi-na-jo | On belly, within area of double deep wavy line decoration; wi-na-jo also occurs on ISJs from Knossos (KN Z 1716) and Armenoi (ARM Z 1) | 23 | Demakopoulou & Divari-Valakou 1994-1995: 326-327, pl.IIA-B | |||||||||||||
593 | 43 | Prinias: Siderospilia | Rizinia/ Ριζηνία | Crete | Central | Greece | 603 | PRI Z 1 | NO | Prinias: Siderospilia | funerary | LM IIIB-C | ISJ | Not yet published | "due segni mutili" (Sacconi 2012: 126) | 43 | Del Freo 2012: 17; Sacconi 2012: 126 | ||||||||||||||
594 | 64 | Dimini | Dimini/ Iolkos/ Ιωλκός/ Διμήνι | Greek Mainland | Thessaly | Greece | 604 | DIM Z 2 | NO | Dimini | Outside Room 3 of Megaron B, in association with figurines (cultic context?) | settlement/ central administrative | LH IIIB? | MIV | ka-si[ | Body of a kylix (INCISED, cf. KH Z 16); -si[ is an uncertain reading | 64 | Adrimi-Sismani & Godart 2005: 50-59 | |||||||||||||
α/α εισαγωγής:
Όνομα Θέσης Εύρεσης:
Άλλες ή Εναλλακτικές Ονομασίες (βιβλιογραφικά τεκμηριωμένες):
Όνομα Θέσης (Ύστερη Εποχή Χαλκού):
Περιοχή (πολιτισμικά και γεωγραφικά οριζόμενη):
Συγκεκριμενοποίηση της Περιοχής:
Σημερινό κράτος όπου βρίσκεται η θέση:
Ονομασία Ενεπίγραφου Αγγείου:
Έχει αναλυθεί:
Γεωγραφικός Συσχετισμός:
Βέβαιη ή πιθανή απόδοση:
Σχόλια σχετικά με την προέλευση:
Αριθμός Καταλόγου εκτός Haskell et al 2011:
Αριθμός Καταλόγου Haskell et al 2011:
Ονομασία Θέσης Εύρεσης:
Περιγραφή Χώρου Εύρεσης:
Τύπος Αρχαιολογικού Περιβάλλοντος:
Κεραμική Φάση:
Ανοιχτή-επί-Σκοτεινού διακόσμηση (ΝΑΙ/ ΟΧΙ):
Τύπος Αντικειμένου:
Ευρύτερη Τυπολογική Ομάδα Haskell:
Τυπολογική Ομάδα Haskell:
Προέλευση (βάσει χημικών αναλύσεων):
Τύπος κεραμικού υλικού (πετρογραφική επισκόπηση):
Μεταγραφή Επιγραφής σε Γραμμική Β:
Παρατηρήσεις επιγραφής:
Βιβλιογραφικές Αναφορές: